Programming in C#, Java, and god knows what not

Variable Parsing Au Bash

Every command-line processor has a way to allow for embedded variables. Those familiar with DOS will recognize percent encoded variables, e.g. “echo I am %USERNAME%”. Those more familiar with Unixoids will be more relaxed around dollar variables, e.g.: “echo I am $USERNAME”. Either way gives possibility to combine fixed text with some external value. I personally prefer bash-style so I will continue with it.

If we try to parse “User $USERNAME is working on $OS using $NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS processors.”, this is really easy for human to tackle. Even on first glance, we know that result should be “Joe is working on Windows NT using 1024 processors.”. Making computer recognize that is a bit more involved.

Well, generic solution is really simple. Just make an function that will extract all variables from string and ask us what values might those be:

string ParseVariables(string text) {
    var res = ParseVariablesStateMachine(text, **delegate(string variable)** {
        **return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(variable);**
    return res;

As you can see from above code, we call into ParseVariablesStateMachine method giving it whole input text alongside with a callback delegate. Function will take care of parsing variables out and ask us what each value should be via delegate function. In our example we do simple environment variable lookup but this can be modified to return almost anything.

This delegate will return value back into calling method and that method will continue string processing until next variable comes along. At that time it will repeat call to our delegate; rinse and repeat. At the end it will return value composed of all these variables in one nice string.

One way to tackle this problem is by using a simple state machine (yes, name was kinda giving it away). We definitely have starting state, we have state where we found inner variable, and state where variable is being processed. Code may look something like this (heavily redacted):

string ParseVariablesStateMachine(string text, Func<string, string> variableCallback) {
    var state = ParsingState.Default;
    for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) {
        switch (state) {
            case ParsingState.Default:
                if (text[i] == '$') { state = ParsingState.VariableStart; }

            case ParsingState.VariableStart:
                state = ParsingState.NormalVariable;

            case ParsingState.NormalVariable:
                if (!char.isLetterOrDigit(text[i])) {
                    variableCallback.Invoke(text.substring(variableStart, variableLength));
                    state = ParsingState.Default; //search for next variable
    return parsedString;

Full example source is available for download.

Modifying ParseVariablesStateMachine mathod to parse DOS-style variables is exercise left to a reader. It is actually simpler than bash-style parsing because we know when variable ends based on closing percent sign.

PS: Full example also covers extended variable style (e.g. ${USERNAME}.).

Alternative Boolean Syntax

I got into discussion with a friend on what is the best way to express boolean-like value in a C# initializer. Whole discussion was spurred by following piece of code (ok, not exactly this one, but similar enough):

var x = new FieldCollection(**true**);

This perfectly valid line has a magic boolean argument whose function is not immediately clear. Syntax-wise code is fine but readability does suffer. Neither one liked how this looked and we went into discussion about refactoring. First one was introducing an enumeration class:

var x = new FieldCollection(**FieldDuplicate.Allow**);

This is an usual approach to readability argument. Create an enumumeration that has (more or less) reasonable names and then use that as an argument. It allows for better readability at cost of a bit more coding.

But C# has something I find better. You can use named arguments to have greater visibility without any extra coding:

var x = new FieldCollection(**allowDuplicates: true**);

Maybe it is not as clean as a dedicated enumeration but I find it works for me. It doesn’t require any code changes inside of a class. It doesn’t require an extra enumeration declaration. And it works even when you don’t have access to code of a class. All that is needed is a bit of discipline upon calling code.

And programmers always have abundance of discipline… :)

Syntactic Sugar Does Make a Difference

Most of the days I have my life split between Java and C#. Work on one during the day, enjoy the other during the night. Some things I like in one language, some I prefer in other; it all depends on situation. But there is one feature I miss daily in Java. It is the var keyword.

Simplest scenario would be:

var x = new Something();

In this case var does not signify some new data type but it simply says to compiler to infer most appropriate type on its own. It is not variant data type by any stretch of imagination (check [dynamic]( for that) because var still statically assigns a type. Finally compiled code is actually equivalent to:

Something x = new Something();

In this, most basic scenario, it is already quite helpful in avoiding repetition. But it gets better. If you are dealing with loop, you don’t need to remember which kind of collection you are going in:

foreach (**var** item in foo.getItems()) {

Assuming getItems() returns IList<MyItem>, this code might get compiled as:

foreach (**MyItem** item in foo.getItems()) {

As long as MyItem type contains doSomething(), everything just works. If getItems() returns list of String, compile will fail (doSomething() is not a method of a String, at least not in current Java/C# version). If you ever refactor your code to use some other class, compile will still work as long as it contains same methods used elsewhere in code.

And that is the case where I miss it in Java the most. If I work with someone else’s classes and it is obvious that some sort of collection is returned, why cannot language figure out this for me? Why do I need to tell it, for even most basic cases, what exactly I need? Just so it can triumphantly say that my type doesn’t match what it expects? If compiler is smart enough to tell me my return type sucks, it should be smart enough to fill the data type itself.

While this var keyword does save me some typing its primary benefit comes from a more relaxed workflow. It helps me get over gritty, boring, ultimately unimportant, details into the code that actually matters. It preserves my flow of thoughts and it does make me more productive.

I see this feature as a major reason why I find C# more comfortable language than Java. It is not (just) about this particular syntactic sugar. It is about a philosophy. While Java prefers cleanliness of language, C# makes work easy.

PS: And don’t let me get started about how var is used with anonymous types, a distant dream in Java.

Visual Studio Express 2013


Visual Studio 2013 Express is available for download.

As always, most changes are reserved for higher tiers (e.g. Professional and Ultimate) but some did survive into Express edition.

Go and try it out. It is free.

XP-compatible Manifest


I got a report that one of my applications under Windows XP. It would just simply fail with “The application failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

A bit deeper investigation into the Event Viewer discovered slightly different error description there “Syntax error in manifest or policy file "\QText.exe" on line 24. The element trustInfo appears as a child of element urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1^assembly which is not supported by this version of Windows.

Quick look into my manifest showed:

      <requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false" />

PPS: You can find schema at Microsoft’s MSDN.

On first glance everything looked proper but next one brought obvious error. I was missing namespace declaration. Quick-fix was to just add it:

<trustInfo **xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2"**>
      <requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false" />

It was that easy.

I introduced this error some time ago when I was fixing high-DPI support. Manifest processing on anything higher than XP (e.g. even XP with some patches), is much more forgiving so this issue hasn’t appeared much in the wild.

It simply goes to show that even most simple changes you do for one OS version might impact other. There is no substitute for actual testing.

PS: Just for reference, here is manifest I usually use:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<assembly manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
    <dependency xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2">
            <assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" version="" processorArchitecture="*" publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df" language="*" />
    <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2">
            <requestedPrivileges xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
                <requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false" />
    <application xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
        <windowsSettings xmlns="">
    <compatibility xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:compatibility.v1">
            <supportedOS Id="{e2011457-1546-43c5-a5fe-008deee3d3f0}" />
            <supportedOS Id="{35138b9a-5d96-4fbd-8e2d-a2440225f93a}" />
            <supportedOS Id="{4a2f28e3-53b9-4441-ba9c-d69d4a4a6e38}" />
            <supportedOS Id="{1f676c76-80e1-4239-95bb-83d0f6d0da78}" />
            <supportedOS Id="{8e0f7a12-bfb3-4fe8-b9a5-48fd50a15a9a}" />

[2018-08-16: Added Windows 10 GUID.]

ShortcutKeyDisplayString in Tray Context-menu


It all started when I wanted to show custom shortcut text next to a menu item on a tray icon’s context menu. Usually this is as easy as setting ShortcutKeyDisplayString property. So I did, and it worked. Sort-of.

For some reason ContextMenuStrip on TrayIcon is not shown on first right-click but only on second. While it is not a major issue, I found it really annoying. That meant that I had to stick to good old ContextMenu and its MenuItem. Unfortunately that also meant that there was no ShortcutKeyDisplayString to help me.

And then I remembered trick from my VB 6 days: anything could be displayed in shortcut position if you would separate it by tab character. So I tried this:

someMenuItem.Text = "Show application" + "\t" + "Ctrl+Alt+P";

Surprisingly, this trick still works.

Editing Labels in a Sorted TreeView

In my previous post we’ve been dealing with TreeView drag&drop. One other functionality that is almost mandatory for TreeView is renaming a node. While basic code is quite straight forward, there are few tricks in order to get better-than-default behavior.

First order of business is BeforeLabelEdit event. There we define which nodes will have fixed name. In our case, we will not allow editing of folder names:

e.CancelEdit = (e.Node.ImageIndex == 0); //don't allow editing folders

In AfterLabel event we handle everything else. We want new text without spaces on either end and no duplicates are allowed. It complicates code a bit but not by much. Probably only non obvious thing is actual sorting. Here we just “schedule” it after event handler is done with processing:

if (e.Label == null) { return; } //no change was made
e.CancelEdit = true; //we will handle changes manually
string newText = e.Label.Trim(); //no spaces

var nodes = (e.Node.Parent == null) ? tree.Nodes : e.Node.Parent.Nodes;
foreach (TreeNode node in nodes) {
    if ((node != e.Node) &amp;&amp; string.Equals(newText, node.Text, StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
        return; //duplicate name

e.Node.Text = newText; //rename manually

tree.BeginInvoke(new Action&lt;TreeNode&gt;(delegate(TreeNode node) { //sort again
    tree.SelectedNode = node;
}), e.Node);

Full sample can be downloaded here.

PS: In sample code you will see that I use ImageIndex==0 to determine whether node is of folder type. In real program you would probably go with sub-classing TreeNode.

Drag&drop in a Sorted TreeView


If you have a TreeView, chances are that you want it sorted and with a drag&drop functionality. And that is not too hard.

In order to sort items, don’t forget to assign TreeViewNodeSorter property. This requires simple IComparer, e.g.:

internal class NodeSorter : IComparer {
    public int Compare(object item1, object item2) {
        var node1 = item1 as TreeNode;
        var node2 = item2 as TreeNode;

        if (node1.ImageIndex == node2.ImageIndex) { //both are of same type
            return string.Compare(node1.Text, node2.Text, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
        } else {
            return (node1.ImageIndex == 0) ? -1 : +1;

This will ensure that “folders” (with ImageIndex==0) are sorted before files (any other value of ImageIndex). All that is left is to call Sort method when needed.

In order to support drag&drop, a bit more work is needed. Before we even start doing anything, we need to set AllowDrop=true on our TreeView. Only then we can setup events. To initiate drag we just work with ItemDrag event:

this.DoDragDrop(e.Item, DragDropEffects.Move);

In DragOver we need to check for “droppability” of each item. Rules are simple; We allow only tree nodes in; if we drop file on file, it will actually drop it in file’s folder; and don’t allow parent to be dropped into its child. This class will then either allow movement (DragDropEffects.Move) or it will deny it (DragDropEffects.None).

var fromNode = e.Data.GetData(&quot;System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode&quot;) as TreeNode;
if (fromNode == null) { return; } //not our stuff

var dropNode = tree.GetNodeAt(tree.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y)));
while ((dropNode != null) &amp;&amp; (dropNode.ImageIndex != 0)) { //search for suitable folder
    dropNode = dropNode.Parent;

var noCommonParent = (fromNode.Parent != dropNode);
while (noCommonParent &amp;&amp; (dropNode != null)) {
    if (fromNode == dropNode) { noCommonParent = false; } //to stop parent becoming a child
    dropNode = dropNode.Parent;

e.Effect = noCommonParent ? DragDropEffects.Move : DragDropEffects.None;

Final movement happens in DragDrop event. First part is same node discovery process we had in DragOver. After that we simply move nodes from one parent to another and we wrap all up by performing a sort.

var fromNode = e.Data.GetData(&quot;System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode&quot;) as TreeNode;
var dropNode = tree.GetNodeAt(tree.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y)));
while ((dropNode != null) &amp;&amp; (dropNode.ImageIndex != 0)) { //search for suitable folder
    dropNode = dropNode.Parent;

var fromParentNodes = (fromNode.Parent != null) ? fromNode.Parent.Nodes : tree.Nodes;
if (dropNode == null) {
} else {

tree.SelectedNode = fromNode;

Full sample can be downloaded here.

PS: In sample code you will see that I use ImageIndex==0 to determine whether node is of folder type. In real program you would probably go with sub-classing TreeNode.

SVN to Mercurial

Synchronizing SVN repository to Mercurial one is deceptively easy. Convert extension is as simple as it gets:

hg convert svn:// Repo

Unfortunately, this method has issues with speed, especially when there is huge SVN repository on other side of slow (and unreliable) VPN connection. I had seen few hours download times per commit if everything goes well. If something fails, you are back at square zero and you need to re-sync complete commit again. And even if commits are not big, scanning time will drive you crazy.

I found that, under those circumstances, two step approach works best. First we synchronize remote SVN repository to local (SVN) one. In all instances I tried this, SVN offered superb speed (compared to Mercurial) and it hasn’t suffered from broken connections as much.

My client of choice was Visual SVN and few commands were all it took to create local copy:

> svnadmin create C:\Repo

> echo exit 0 > c:\Repo\hooks\pre-revprop-change.bat

> svnsync initialize file:///C:/Repo svn://
Copied properties for revision 0.

> svnsync sync file:///C:/Repo svn://
Committed revision 1.
Copied properties for revision 1.
Transmitting file data ...

After local copy is created, you can use hg convert without further trouble.


[SetWindowLong]( function is well known among those who want to change various properties of already created windows. However, there is a slight issue with it on 64-bit Windows - it does not work properly. Someone originally defined this function to return LONG. Unfortunately LONG is actually defined as a 32-bit integer on both 32 and 64-bit Windows. Since SetWindowLong is also intended for setting some pointer sized properties (e.g. GWL_WNDPROC) this will not do.

Fortunately Microsoft also saw the error and created new function SetWindowLongPtr which corrects declaration so it is valid for both 32 and 64-bit world. Except they didn’t.

While comment clearly says “This function has been superseded by the SetWindowLongPtr function. To write code that is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows, use the SetWindowLongPtr function.”, this is not really the full truth. If you check its declaration in WinUser.h you will see the ugly truth - on 32-bit system, SetWindowLongPtr is a simple #define toward good old SetWindowLong. This means that statement is valid for someone working in C/C++. For all other languages, this statement is misleading at best.

Solution for C# is simple, just check whether code is running in 32-bit mode and call SetWindowLong yourself. In all other cases just call SetWindowLongPtr. Code Analysis will complain a bit about CA1901 (P/Invoke declarations should be portable) and CA1400 (P/Invoke entry points should exist) but we can safely ignore these warnings if we make sure to call correct function ourselves.

These declarations should do the trick:

public static IntPtr SetWindowLongPtr(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 nIndex, IntPtr dwNewLong) {
    if (IntPtr.Size == 4) {
        return SetWindowLongPtr32(hWnd, nIndex, dwNewLong);
    } else {
        return SetWindowLongPtr64(hWnd, nIndex, dwNewLong);

[DllImport(&quot;user32.dll&quot;, SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = &quot;SetWindowLong&quot;)]
[SuppressMessage(&quot;Microsoft.Portability&quot;, &quot;CA1901:PInvokeDeclarationsShouldBePortable&quot;, MessageId = &quot;return&quot;, Justification = &quot;This declaration is not used on 64-bit Windows.&quot;)]
[SuppressMessage(&quot;Microsoft.Portability&quot;, &quot;CA1901:PInvokeDeclarationsShouldBePortable&quot;, MessageId = &quot;2&quot;, Justification = &quot;This declaration is not used on 64-bit Windows.&quot;)]
private static extern IntPtr SetWindowLongPtr32(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 nIndex, IntPtr dwNewLong);

[DllImport(&quot;user32.dll&quot;, SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = &quot;SetWindowLongPtr&quot;)]
[SuppressMessage(&quot;Microsoft.Interoperability&quot;, &quot;CA1400:PInvokeEntryPointsShouldExist&quot;, Justification = &quot;Entry point does exist on 64-bit Windows.&quot;)]
private static extern IntPtr SetWindowLongPtr64(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 nIndex, IntPtr dwNewLong);