

This program started with itch of mine. I often have need to take notes while talking on telephone, surfing or doing almost anything. That notes are usually just temporary since I want to do something with it - like adding telephone number to my phonebook. What I needed was scrap paper.

It is similar to notepad which can be brought from tray when needed but has also auto-save thing going on. Just ideal for taking notes.

For those using it at work, it’s also possible to use without installation and with all settings kept in a file.

Install via repository:
wget -O- http://packages.medo64.com/keys/medo64.asc \
    | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/medo64.asc

echo "deb http://packages.medo64.com/deb stable main" \
    | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medo64.list

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install qtext