Calculate This


As I moved to Linux, I slowly started moving all my apps along. But, as I played with electronics, I often had to boot up Windows just to get to a simple calculator. I made this calculator ages ago in order to calculate various values. But I made it for Windows Store which meant it was time to make it again, this time a bit more portable.

With the help of Avalonia and a bit of C# code it was a long overdue weekend project. Most of the time I just need LDO power and voltage divider calculations, but it seemed a shame not to reimplement the others.

Since, I wanted application to work on Linux (both KDE and Gnome), choice fell between two frameworks: Avalonia and ETO Forms. I was tempted to go the ETO Forms route because I actually like(d) Windows Forms. They’re easy, event drive, and without 50 shades of indirection. But, after playing with both for a while, Avalonia just seemed more suitable.

As previously, I created the following calculators:

  • E-Series
  • LDO Power
  • LED
  • LM117
  • LM317
  • Microchip PIC PWM
  • Microchip PIC TMR0
  • Ohm’s Law
  • Parallel and Series Resistors
  • Voltage Divider

I will implement more as I need them.

While development environment does contain unit tests, currently it’s a bit low on their count. I was too lazy to implement them all. Probably I’ll write them only as I fix bug since I’m lazy that way.

If this app seems interesting, You can download it here. It should work pretty much on any glibc-based Linux out there. I will eventually make Windows setup version too, but you can you Windows Store one in meantime.