Professional C++ (Fourth Edition!)


If you are curious about C++ and the news it brings (yes, development is still much alive) you are in luck. Written by Marc Grégoire and dealing with the 17th edition of C++, you are sure to find something interesting.

This C++ release includes a filesystem API, template argument deduction for constructors, optional values, the variant type, the any type, parallel algorithms, string conversion primitives, nested namespaces, and more. Considering the wide net this edition has casted, you are sure to find something useful for your development.

While C++ is not the easiest language to learn or perfect I found that a lot of examples is extremely helpful to make this medicine go down. And this book does deliver as examples are available for both Windows and Linux. Even better, you can check examples without downloading book. A bit cheeky but excellent way to determine how interested in the book you might be.

Book is published by Wiley/Wrox and available at Amazon.