Seattle Code Camp organizers have finalized selection of this year talks and I am proud to say I got two sessions.
My first topic will be Crash Course In Foreign Language Support For ÜS Developer. If title looks familiar, it is actually a rerun of last year talk under, surprise-surprise, the same title. :) Of course, it won’t be exactly the same talk as session will be 15 minutes longer, and hopefully more polished.
My hope is that after this talk an average developer will understand different regional environments, how complicated stuff can get, what C# has to offer in regards to regionalization, where C# fails, and what are the most common mistakes.
Second session will be Path Over the Desktop Bridge, a suspenseful tale of desktop application visiting the Windows Store for the first time. I will talk about my experience, lessons learned, and how to talk with testers in 1000 characters or less. It will be wild ride of back and forth culminating in a happy ending. If this innuendo doesn’t peek your interest, I don’t know what will.
Seattle Code Camp will be held on Saturday, September 9th at Seattle University. You will be able to register for attendance soon.
[2017-08-10: Registration is now open.]