Seattle Code Camp 2015 - Done


A day has been a way too short today at Seattle Code Camp. With quite a few interesting talks and folks it passed a way too quickly. Many parallel tracks (nine!) ensured that there will be at least couple of talks not seen - especially if you like to discuss stuff with people.

Unlike last year, this year talk, this year I had a fortune to give two talks.

Git in the enterprise environment session, as name implies, dealt with the slightly different philosophy of the source control within a large corporations. Interactivity during talk ensured discussion to spill throughout the day and that is the best any speaker could wish. As promised, here are PowerPoint slides but for many things you had to be there. :)

Second session was more of an Q&A discussion about working with the .NET under Linux. Although originally discussion format was selected due to the lack of time to prepare examples (I somehow missed that two of my talks went in the conference program - doh!) I had a lot of fun and a really positive feedback. I am definitely thinking about intentionally doing the same next year - relaxed discussion with audience definitely got my blood flowing. PowerPoint slides are a bit raw but there is a link or two in them.

Great thanks to both organizers and sponsors and see you next year.