The Logical Song

Most of the time advertisements are pain-in-the-butt. They sell you things you don’t want in a way you don’t care about. This goes double for YouTube where awful commercials are only matched by annoyance of having them repeated time after time.

But occasionally there comes something worth watching. For me this happened with HP Sprout commercial:

While technology does seem cool and I am looking forward checking it out in person, it was the song that piqued my interest. It was both familiar and new at the same time and it just grabbed the attention. And HP ad agency knew it would happen as they made another video with an “origin story”. [2018-08-06: And some idiot removed it from YouTube.]

In the mass of the most boring ads, this one gave me a faith that ad industry still knows how to make stuff worth watching as it seems there is no escaping them anyhow. But then again it might be that this song stirred my inner optimist and I will get back to annoyed self after watching a daily dose of the usual crap YouTube serves. Regardless, I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.

PS: Those interested in song can also find it played by its composer.

[2018-08-06: Of course some idiot removed the original/official video. I swapped it for copy from some other channel.]