Seattle Code Camp 2015 - Done


A day has been a way too short today at Seattle Code Camp. With quite a few interesting talks and folks it passed a way too quickly. Many parallel tracks (nine!) ensured that there will be at least couple of talks not seen - especially if you like to discuss stuff with people.

Unlike last year, this year talk, this year I had a fortune to give two talks.

Git in the enterprise environment session, as name implies, dealt with the slightly different philosophy of the source control within a large corporations. Interactivity during talk ensured discussion to spill throughout the day and that is the best any speaker could wish. As promised, here are PowerPoint slides but for many things you had to be there. :)

Second session was more of an Q&A discussion about working with the .NET under Linux. Although originally discussion format was selected due to the lack of time to prepare examples (I somehow missed that two of my talks went in the conference program - doh!) I had a lot of fun and a really positive feedback. I am definitely thinking about intentionally doing the same next year - relaxed discussion with audience definitely got my blood flowing. PowerPoint slides are a bit raw but there is a link or two in them.

Great thanks to both organizers and sponsors and see you next year.

PuTTY Doesn't Work With NAS4Free

Every few years there comes the time to refresh my NAS hardware and the choice usually falls upon the latest NAS4Free installation. As I do fair amount of customizing, this means that SSH access is mandatory. With version NAS4Free 10 I stumbled upon trouble. My trusty PuTTY could not connect and there was no obvious reason why.

Only potential culprit I could find was in NAS4Free using DSA keys but PuTTY has been supporting those for ages so that was obviously not a full story. And I could connect from Linux so it was really PuTTY doing funny stuff and not misconfiguration. As I wanted my project to go further I decided to find PuTTY’s replacement. And that search pretty much boiled my choices down to two.

First candidate was MobaXterm. Not only that this replaces PuTTY but it also offers much better session management and an reasonable tabbed interface. However, it has $70 price tag attached. Yes, there is a free version too but its restrictions make it unsuitable for anybody dealing with SSH regularly. Call me a cheap bastard but I don’t want to give that kind of money for SSH client. All other functionality MobaXterm has is a nice touch and might make it worth that money, but I didn’t really have any use for it.

Another program worth considering was mRemoteNG. While this one also worked well as a SSH client toward my NAS4Free machine and it does come as a free download I found that its interface was simply too annoying to deal with. Yes, I would use it in a pinch but for the most time it was making me think MobaXterm might be worth it.

And then I went onto PuTTY’s page and saw there was a new release available (0.65). Guess what? That release worked without a hitch. Yes, sane person would check for a new version before spending time testing the replacement but I got so used to PuTTY developed in a lazy fashion that I honestly didn’t expect a new version to be there.

So, after a long search I came back to PuTTY and its abysmal session management. And I couldn’t be happier about it.

Cinemark Cinema and the Waste of Time


Occasionally I visit a cinema with family - this time it happened due to Inside Out - a decent family movie with a couple of good jokes. Not the best I’ve seen but not the worst way to spend Saturday night either.

After getting tickets, buying overpriced snacks we’ve took our places and watched various commercials, trailers, and messages about the evils of the mobile phone. To quote them: “… we want our customers to enjoy their movie - FREE from distraction …” I share the view that mobile phones are distractions during movie and I do believe in silencing them completely. What I don’t get is why stop there? Why not remove the other distractions?

Why do I need to go through 10 commercials? Why is there at least 5 trailers before the movie I actually came to see? Why the heck movie scheduled for 7:25 starts at 7:40? This so reminds me of the unskippable FBI warnings on DVDs. Why the heck are you molesting your paying customers? Is there anybody really thinking those warnings work? Is there anybody really thinking pre-movie trailers do anything?

Frankly these days I avoid going to cinema almost completely. Only exception are animated movies that come recommended by friends as worthy of the big screen. All other stuff I simply ignore until it arrives on Amazon or Netflix. If it doesn’t arrive there timely I usually forget about it altogether and I don’t think I lose much.

I do love watching a movie on the big screen in the cinema. I even love their overpriced popcorn. But I simply cannot handle amounts of rubbish one has to consume before actually getting to see the movie. And with passing years it is only getting worse.

PS: And coming late is not the solution as in States seats are given on first come, first served basis.

Windows 10


Windows 10 is finally here.

And it is not a bang but a whimper for all those crazy enough to be in Windows Insider program. And frankly that is how it should be. Those yearning for excitement had their share in the last few months. Careful ones have always option of sticking with Windows 7/8/8.1 or upgrading to now officially RTM’d release.

For me personally this day brings absolutely nothing as every computer I have in my home has been running Windows 10 for a while now. July 29th is just another day.

Is Windows 10 perfect? Not really - even RTM version has a couple of issues bugging me still: Windows menu misbehaving if you don’t have internet connection and defaults that include the whole damn web in search. But it is a good OS in general and I see no major benefit in holding Windows 7 on same pedestal Windows XP once held. Yes, both were great OS of their days but lingering in past serves no purpose.

Free upgrade is a nice carrot Microsoft has placed in front of everybody and I suggest you take a bite. It is not clear how exactly mechanics are going to look and I can only hope clean install upgrade will be a possibility. If insider updates are anything to judge by, you will need at least 10 GB for it and that might be hard to find on old devices.

For insiders there are some rumors program will go on. And I will take that offer regardless of actually having enough Windows licenses for all my devices. Microsoft had system working perfectly and issues were both minor and rare. I really see no reason not be be on the Fast ring.

In any case, congrats to Windows 910. May you live to see a lot of updates.

PS: If you are wondering whether your system is eligible for free update, here is the handy guide.

PPS: There is Microsoft Media Creation Tool for those in need of a clean ISO.

PPPS: If you want to install from USB, check this handy guide.

The Logical Song

Most of the time advertisements are pain-in-the-butt. They sell you things you don’t want in a way you don’t care about. This goes double for YouTube where awful commercials are only matched by annoyance of having them repeated time after time.

But occasionally there comes something worth watching. For me this happened with HP Sprout commercial:

While technology does seem cool and I am looking forward checking it out in person, it was the song that piqued my interest. It was both familiar and new at the same time and it just grabbed the attention. And HP ad agency knew it would happen as they made another video with an “origin story”. [2018-08-06: And some idiot removed it from YouTube.]

In the mass of the most boring ads, this one gave me a faith that ad industry still knows how to make stuff worth watching as it seems there is no escaping them anyhow. But then again it might be that this song stirred my inner optimist and I will get back to annoyed self after watching a daily dose of the usual crap YouTube serves. Regardless, I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.

PS: Those interested in song can also find it played by its composer.

[2018-08-06: Of course some idiot removed the original/official video. I swapped it for copy from some other channel.]