MagiWOL 3.41


It was a long overdue task to release new MagiWOL. Changes have been small but noticeable.

Finally there is a high-DPI support with multiple icon sizes to make application presentable on all these new displays out there. If you use classic display only difference will be in what icons you see. But if you are using anything that makes Windows want to scale icons, you should be able to enjoy extra crispy icons.

Those using import functionality will be happy that, beside ranges, now you can defined network subnet size. Not a big change but it will make life easier for some.

Other changes are pretty much just bug-fixes and cleanup of my development environment.

As always, download is available on these pages or from within application.

Unsung Hero


I often write and speak about gadgets I get for myself and how I use them. However, there is one gadget I never wrote about and I use it pretty much every day ever since I got my first one in the late 1997. Those knowing me personally are aware how rare I remember year when something happened so this is something special to me. It is my pen.

There are many like it, but this one is mine. :)

As with many drugs, the first one I received as a gift. It was an Uni-ball Signo DX with a 0.38 tip. Compared to roller pens I used before this one was just sliding without any conscious effort and lines were as thin as a spider web. I watched with dread ink level getting lower and lower. Fortunately I was able to secure the new source before it came to worst. And, in times before Internet, this was a feat.

Then miracle happened and store in my town got quite respectable assortment of Mitsubishi pens. Over the years I tried many of them finally settling on Signo 207 RT (0.5 mm tip) a few years ago. It is quite a similar pen to DX with an advantage of being retractable so I couldn’t lose cap anymore. And switch to a slightly larger tip brought another level of sliding bliss.

I am sure there are pens other find better and have I tried many of them. However, this one works for me and that is all that matters.

Maybe I am an old-fashioned guy but writing and sketching really helps me to think and solve problems. Having a comfortable pen in hand makes a ton of difference.

PS: Those interested in Uni-ball pens can check their godawful web pages. I only wish their pages would be as good as their pens.

Git and Windows Cannot Access the Specified Device

I am not really sure what happened (although I am willing to place some blame on Git file attribute handling) but suddenly some of my batch files started reporting “Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.” when I try to start them from Windows Explorer. Annoyingly I could still start that same batch from Windows command line. Only double-click wouldn’t work.

After short investigation culprit was found in the permissions. Some application (Git) changed permissions for the file to include only read permissions. As soon as I changed permissions to include executable, I could start script again. Heck there is even a way to get executable attribute into Git repository so this can be avoided in the future. However, I took this as an opportunity to update permissions for my drive.

Drive in question is NTFS but not because I need any permission handling capabilities. Mostly it is because way NTFS handles small files is superior to any other Windows-supported file system. So my permissions on given drive are literally just allowing all users access. With time and different computers this changed a bit so reset was in order. I wanted to allow all users full drive access.

After starting Command Prompt as an administrator first mandatory task was to switch to that drive. Not only that this allows me to use relative paths further down the road but it also makes it less likely that any errors (e.g. due to accidentally forgotten parameter) would impact my system drive.


Next step was to take ownership of my whole drive, forcing change when necessary:

 SUCCESS: The file (or folder): "A:\Test\Test1.txt" now owned by user "TEST\Josip".
 SUCCESS: The file (or folder): "A:\Test\Test2.txt" now owned by user "TEST\Josip".
 SUCCESS: The file (or folder): "A:\Test\Test3.txt" now owned by user "TEST\Josip".

Since previous command left a lot of output, I also used /setowner option of ICACLS. There is no benefit to this one other than showing me stats and ensuring a file hasn’t been missed. Yes, you can even use this command instead of TAKEOWN but it has no option of forcing ownership change so you might need TAKEOWN regardless.

ICACLS .\ /setowner Josip /T /C /Q
Successfully processed 119121 files; Failed processing 0 files

Next I set my root directory to allow all Users, Administrators, and SYSTEM groups in. From previous run I had Everyone and BUILTIN set so I decided to remove them while I am at it.

ICACLS .\ /grant:r Users:F Administrators:F SYSTEM:F /inheritance:e /remove Everyone /remove BUILTIN
 processed file: .\
 Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files

And last step was what I really wanted. Just reset all permissions.

ICACLS * /reset /T /C /Q
 Successfully processed 119120 files; Failed processing 0 files

And now I have my drive just as I wanted it.

PS: If you just wanna sort out Git, you can also update executable bit and avoid whole issue.

Embedding Resources Without Pesky Resources Folder


Adding image resources to your C# application is close to trivial. One method is to open your Resources.resx file and simply add bitmaps you wish to use. However, this leaves your with all images in Resources folder. Some people like it that way but I prefer to avoid it - I prefer the old-style system of keeping it all in your resource file.

To have all images included in resource instead being in a separate folder, just select offending resources and press F4 to bring Properties window. Under Persistence simply select Embedded in .resx and your resources are magically (no real magic involved) embedded into resx file as Base-64 encoded string. Only thing remaining is to delete leftover folder.

You use resources from application same as you normally would.

BOM Away, in Git Style

Some time ago I made a Mercurial hook (killbom) that would remove BOM from UTF-8 encoded files. As I switched to Git, I didn’t want to part with it so it was a time for rewrite. Unlike Mercurial, there is no global hook mechanism. You will need to add hook for each repository you want it in.

Start is easy enough. Just create pre-commit file in .git/hooks directory, Looking from the base of the repository file name would thus be .git/hooks/pre-commit. Content of that file would then be as follows:


git diff --cached --diff-filter=ACMR --name-only -z | xargs -0 -n 1 sh -c '
    for FILE; do
        file --brief "$FILE" | grep -q text
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
            cp "$FILE" "$TEMP/KillBom.tmp"
            git checkout -- "$FILE"

            sed -b -i -e "1s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//" "$FILE"
            NEEDSADD=`git diff --diff-filter=ACMR --name-only | wc -l`
            if [ $NEEDSADD -ne 0 ]; then
                sed -b -i -e "1s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//" "$TEMP/KillBom.tmp"
                echo "Removed UTF-8 BOM from $FILE"
                git add "$FILE"

            cp "$TEMP/KillBom.tmp" "$FILE"
            rm "$TEMP/KillBom.tmp"
            echo "BINARY $FILE"
' sh

ANYCHANGES=`git diff --cached --name-only | wc -l`
if [ $ANYCHANGES -eq 0 ]; then
    git commit --no-verify
    exit 1

What this script does is first getting list of all modified files separated by the null character so that we can deal with spaces in the file names.

git diff --cached --diff-filter=ACMR --name-only -z

For each of these files we then perform replacing of the first three bytes if they are 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF:

sed -b -i -e "1s/^\xEF\xBB\xBF//" "$FILE"

What follows is a bit of a mess. Since it is really hard to get information whether file has been changed without temporary files, I am abusing git to check if file has been changed since it was first staged. If that is the case, assumption will be made that it was due to sed before it. If that assumption is not correct, your commit will have one extra file. As people don’t have same file changed in both staged and un-staged are, I believe risk is reasonably low.

After all files are processed, final check is made whether anything is available for commit. If there are no files in staging area, current commit will be terminated and new commit will be started with --no-verify option. Only reason for this change is so that standard commit message can be written in cases when removal of UTF-8 BOM results in no actual files to commit. Replacing it with message “No files to commit” would work equally well.

While my goal of getting BOM removed via the hook has been reasonably successful, Git hook model is really much worse than one Mercurial has. Not only that global (local) hooks are missing but having multiple hooks one after another is not really possible. Yes, you can merge scripts together in a file but that means you’ll need to handle all exit scenarios for each hook you need. And let’s not even get into how portable these hooks are between Windows and Linux.

If you are wondering what is all that $TEMP operation, it is needed in case of interactive commits. Committing just part of file is useful but didn’t play well with this hook. Saving a copy on side sorted that problem.

Download for current version of pre-commit hook can be found at GitHub.

PS: Instead of editing pre-commit file directly, you can also create it somewhere else and create a symbolic link at proper location.

PPS: I have developed and tested this hook under Windows. It should work under Linux too, but your mileage might vary depending on exact distribution.

[2015-07-12: Added support for interactive commits.] [2015-11-17: Added detection for text/binary.]