Using InnoSetup to Convert LF to CRLF For Read-Only Files

My application setup was tasked with installing README.txt file. As Windows versions before 10 have trouble dealing with LF characters, I needed a way to convert line endings to CRLF.

I thought that was easy, I just needed to call AfterInstall:

Source: "..\"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: "ReadMe.txt"; Attribs: readonly; AfterInstall: AdjustTextFile;

and then call a simple function:

procedure AdjustTextFile();
  path : String;
  data : String;
  path := ExpandConstant(CurrentFileName)
  LoadStringFromFile(path, data);
  StringChangeEx(data, #10, #13#10, True);
  SaveStringToFile(path, data, False);

However, this didn’t work. While code seemingly worked without an issue, it wouldn’t save to read-only file. Yep, our read-only flag was an issue.

While this meant I had to change my InnoSetup project to install file without read-only attribute set, nothing prevented me setting attribute (after I wrote corrected line endings) using a bit of interop magic:

function SetFileAttributes(lpFileName: string; dwFileAttributes: LongInt): Boolean;
  external 'SetFileAttributesA@kernel32.dll stdcall';

procedure AdjustTextFile();
  path : String;
  data : String;
  path := ExpandConstant(CurrentFileName)
  LoadStringFromFile(path, data);
  StringChangeEx(data, #10, #13#10, True);
  SaveStringToFile(path, data, False);
  SetFileAttributes(path, 1);

Why You Should Update GPS Firmware


Assuming you survived the great GPS rollover, you might wonder if updating your GPS firmware makes any sense at all. It’s obvious you might want new maps. But firmware? Why do you need a new one if everything works just fine.

Real answer is that you probably need not bother. Again, assuming everything works fine, there is no navigation reason for firmware upgrade. Navigation will work equally well whether you have fresh firmware or one that’s a few years old.

However, if you care about time keeping, you will definitely need to update your GPS once in a while. And it’s not because of rollover - that issue is sorted now with the new 13-bit week counter and it’s up to your grandchildren to bother with that. Nope, it’s darn leap seconds.

Leap seconds were created to account for uneven rotation of this big rock we call Earth. As such they are currently beyond our capability to calculate in advance. Once in a while astronomers look upon the skies and decide if leap second is needed. One cannot know in advance when this will happen.

AS GPS time has no concept of a leap second, firmware is what adjusts GPS time to UTC and then later to time zones we all deal with. Guess what, if you have old firmware, your GPS will adjust wrongly and thus something you believe to be a correct time will be off by a second or two (or 27 if you were really lazy).

I know it’s not a breaking deal for a vast majority of population but I simply find it rather unnerving that you would intentionally make your GPS show the wrong time.

Update darn firmware to avoid having your existence out of sync with rest of the world. :)

Installing QT Creator on Ubuntu


Those wanting to play with QT will probably end up installing QT Creator package. While, strictly speaking, you can make QT applications also without it, a lot of things get much simpler if you use it - most noticeable example being GUI design.

After download, installation is really simple:

chmod +x ~/Downloads/
sudo ~/Downloads/

However, I wouldn’t write this post if it was so easy.

Indeed, in Ubuntu, this will seemingly install everything until you try to make a project in QT Creator. There you’ll be stopped with “No valid kits found.” message. Cause of this is missing QT version selection as None will be only option on a clean system. To get offered more, a few additional packages are required:

sudo apt-get install --yes qt5-default qtdeclarative5-dev libgl1-mesa-dev

Once these packages are installed, you’ll be able to modify your Desktop kit definition and select correct version. Finally, you can finish creating the project and get onto coding.

Roll Over Baby

Some people were scared of year 2000 bugs. Some people dread NTP rollover in 2036. Some are scared of Unix epoch rollover in 2038. And some are swearing at their GPS because of 2019 rollover.

Realistically, if your GPS was manufactured in this century, chances are that you won’t even notice anything happened. No user action is needed nor expected. If you have old GPS that hasn’t received update in a while - congratulations - you have yourself a brick.

You see, due to a quirk of design, original GPS message format has a 10-bit week number. That gives you 1024 weeks or about 20 years before it needs to roll back to 0. As GPS needs correct time not only for display but also for determining actual position, if clock is off by 20 years or so, navigation is going to be almost as bad as using Apple Maps.

On a bright side, every GPS I ever owned (going back to original Garmin eTrex) is actually quite capable of dealing with this rollover without breaking a sweat - even with their original firmware. This is not a first rodeo for any decent manufacturer and thus, baring some unexpected bugs, a normal user can be oblivious to this problem.

If you need to deal with old industrial equipment that was installed under Roman emperor and last had its firmware upgraded in middle ages, you might want to heed warnings and check anything that’s really critical. But my guess all such users were aware of this for a long time now.

PS: Since newer GPS devices already have support for 13-bit week format giving you about 150 years between rollovers, I doubt anybody will be worried for next 10-bit rollover in 2038. Anyhow, for that year, we have a bigger fish to fry.

PS: Actually, on most of GPS devices only consequence of non-update firmware is just a wrong date.

Visual Studio 2019


Visual Studio 2019 is among us and, thanks to multiple release previews, it seems as it was always here. From C# developer point of view, it’s not a revolution but a nice, steady improvement.

The first change you will notice is the new Start window. While it can get crowded if you deal with a lot of projects and it could definitely use a search function, it’s much better than what Visual Studio 2017 had to offer.

The next visual change is that menu got merged with title bar. While this has no functional impact on menu management, it does provide your editor with much needed vertical space. You can see that this was coded by young developers as you cannot blindly double-click at 0,0 to close solution anymore.

The most important new feature for me as a C# developer is break point on data. While I didn’t need it often, I definitely felt C++ envy when I did. Now C# developers can simply set a single breakpoint on data itself instead peppering bunch of them all over the code hoping to catch the rogue update.

Visual Studio Live Share is feature I could see used massively in teaching environment. A long time ago I taught coding and the most difficult part was going over examples on projected screen. It was annoying having to setup Visual Studio specially for projector (e.g. text size) instead of my standard environment. Now presenter gets to work in his own environment and each other connected party (read-only or editable) gets to use their settings too. Pure comfort. :)

There is quite a few other improvements, be it in performance or new flows and you can check release notes for more information.

Or, since Download is available, install and enjoy!