Missed WordPress Schedule

WordPress - missed schedule

It seems with every new WordPress version there is the same issue. For one reason or another, post scheduling stops working. Exact cause is varied but most commonly it is the caching plugin playing games.

Usual solutions for this are either manually calling wp-cron.php via wget or getting WP Scheduled Plugin. I believe most sites, including mine, need another plugin as much as pig needs a wig. I am not judging if you are into either of it, but I recommend limiting both activities.

Using curl or wget to manually execute wp-cron.php might also not work on sites that are properly secured and have most of php disabled in .htaccess to start with. Yes, you can always make an exception, but there is a better way.

First step is common, just disable standard WordPress cron behavior in wp-config.php:

define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);

Then either use crontab -e from command line or your web provider’s task scheduling web interface (CPanel or similar) to add following command:

/usr/bin/php -q /home/user/www/wp-cron.php

This will call upon PHP to manually execute wp-cron.php bypassing Apache and .htaccess completely. Notice that you must use full paths as cron jobs are ran in limited environment.

For my needs, a daily frequency (@daily or 0 0 * * *) is actually sufficient as I schedule my posts always for midnight. Those needing more precise time might decide to go hourly (@hourly or 0 * * * *) or even more often.

Bimil 1.51


One of major issues reported with Bimil was the lack of password generator. In this version, you have two. :)

Classic password generator will allow you selection of password length and what it will consist of. You can choose between lower and upper letters, numbers, and special characters. Length can be anywhere between 4 (you’re crazy) and 99 (you’re paranoid) characters. For those of weak heart, generated passwords can be simplified a bit. It is pretty standard stuff really.

Followers of XKCD have probably seen his word-based password cartoon. For those taking his (actually quite good) recommendation to heart, Bimil now allows for random generation of just such passwords. It has a database of over 15,000 English words and 12,000 names so it should provide reasonable variety. Additionally it allows for further strengthening by using numbers and special characters so good entropy can be achieved even if somebody knows exactly which dictionary you used.

Both will give you a highly pessimistic view on how good your password is. It assumes omnipotent enemy and exaggerates his power. It is probably a bit too paranoid but it won’t hurt a bit. Just remember that any password with an 1 year estimate is actually pretty good. Of course, aiming for Eternity rating will give you more nerd points. :)

With more and more passwords it gets rather difficult to find what is where. While title does give a hint, often a search within content is needed. Now you can search for anything appearing in any of the visible fields. It definitely helps in situations when you remember user name or some similar detail but you don’t remember exact title.

For some purposes it comes in handy to track previous passwords. If you add password history field to any item, Bimil will remember up to three password changes before it starts dropping the oldest one. Most of the time you won’t need it but it beats manual storing of password in notes when you do.

In addition to these changes, lot of small improvements have happened but I will leave you to discover them when you download Bimil or upgrade from within application.

Brother MFC in Isolated Guest Network


I have already written how to poke holes in guest network for Chromecast and that method is sufficient for vast majority of devices. However, occasionally you might stumble upon device presenting a bit more challenge. One example is my Brother MFC-J475DW or better said pretty much anything in Brother’s MFC printer lineup.

In order to determine why my printer wouldn’t work despite explicitly allowing for its MAC address, I snooped all traffic using Wireshark. As I knew printer was using IPv4 address, that was my Wireshark filter (ip.version == 4).

After playing with printer for a while (trying printing, scanning, rebooting, etc.), I stopped snoop and started going over captured packets. One packet stood out from the bunch - it was a name query packet for something looking suspiciously like my printer’s name. That packet was broadcasted to my whole network from my computer. As that packet went unanswered, my PC though there is no printer.

Armed with that knowledge, firewall-start script can be adjusted not only to allow traffic from and to the MAC address belonging to the printer (as done for the Chromecast adventure) but also to allow broadcast traffic on the first 2.4 GHz guest WiFi interface:

echo "#!/bin/sh" > /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
echo "ebtables -I FORWARD -p ARP -i ! eth0 -o wl0.1 -j ACCEPT" >> /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
echo "ebtables -I FORWARD -s ^^34:68:95:A7:64:F5^^ ``-i wl0.1`` -o ! eth0 -j ACCEPT" >> /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
echo "ebtables -I FORWARD -d ^^34:68:95:A7:64:F5^^ -i ! eth0 ``-o wl0.1`` -j ACCEPT" >> /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
echo "ebtables -I FORWARD -d ^^ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff^^ -i ! eth0 ``-o wl0.1`` -j ACCEPT" >> /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
echo "logger Poked hole for Brother MFC printer" >> /jffs/scripts/firewall-start
chmod a+x /jffs/scripts/firewall-start

PS: During snooping do close all other programs that are using network and try to keep any non-printer activity to a minimum. Makes snoop analysis much easier.

Goodbye OneDrive


Back when OneDrive service was offered for the first time, there were not many takers. You had DropBox with 2 GB and unmatched ease of use and you had Google Drive with whooping 15 GB of disk space. So Microsoft decided to one-up them and gave 15 GB to start with and then another 15 GB as a camera bonus. Both were given for free and without an expiry date. Later they would even give unlimited storage for Office 365 users. Something that was unmatched by any competitor.

Trouble started in October 2015 when Microsoft decided that new freebie users are to get 5 GB only and all existing users will be downsized. Following backlash, slight modification allowed users to opt-in for another year of existing limits. Guess what, that year is up and both free and camera roll bonuses are expiring.

For me personally this means going from 40 GB (5 GB base + 10 GB loyalty bonus + 10 GB free plan bonus + 15 GB camera roll bonus) to 15 GB (5 GB base + 10 GB loyalty bonus). Quite a big drop for something that originally didn’t have expiry date. Office 365 users are also going to see their unlimited data shrink to 1 TB.

Microsoft does offer 1 year of free Office 365 subscription for your inconvenience and that is actually not a bad offer if you intended to go Office 365 route anyhow. And they will not (at least for now) delete any files you have there even if you are over new limits. Your account is simply going to be placed in read-only mode until enough space is released.

In the light of this, all I can say is meh. Microsoft’s OneDrive has always been second-rate application (let’s not even get into its Metro version). It went through so many redesigns (remember placeholders?) through versions that I was always scared to update it. That is, back when you had a choice of whether to upgrade it or not. Last few Windows installs I haven’t even gone through the trouble of entering my credentials. I found that, for my workflow, only two cloud storage providers I need are DropBox and SpiderOak.

While DropBox has low storage limits for a free account (2 GB + 3 GB for camera), I still find its way of syncing between computers the most natural and painless one. I NEVER had any issues or data loss no mater what stupid thing I would do. You give it a folder and it just works. This is one program everybody in my family uses on both their computer and mobile device. No pain, just file synchronization done right.

Other excellent system is SpiderOak. It has even lower free offering (2 GB), its configuration is more involved, and syncing is annoyingly difficult to setup. However, there is a reason behind it. This is the only cloud storage that actually doesn’t have access to your data. All encryption is done on your computer(s) and all they ever see is encrypted data. If you ever store on cloud anything private, this is the system you should use and no other.

Between those two storage options, I simply have no need for OneDrive. Yes, Microsoft did fill a niche with their high free data allotment but those days are gone. Now they offer sync that is not as pleasant as with DropBox combined with lack of security you would get from SpiderOak. It is literally the worst of both worlds.

I will not say OneDrive was useless nor I will say I won’t ever use it again. Even with those cuts it still offers 15 GB for free and that is nothing to frown upon. And maybe with some new version they finally decide on design and how exactly to handle files not currently synced. And they might even solve one of their many sync problems.

All I will say is so long and thanks for all the fish. :)

Limiting Bandwidth on MAP Lite


As I wanted to have a separate wireless network for few of my IoT experiments and taking into consideration how secure IoT devices are (hint: not secure at all), I decided to go with a mini access point. Securing IoT gets much easier with a separate physical device.

Device had to be 2.4 GHz AP, allow for remote management, and cheap. One beautiful device matching all criteria was MikroTik mAP lite. Mikrotik devices are usually more of an European thing and, compared to other wireless devices, a bit harder to obtain in States. For example, I bought mine from ICD Group because Amazon didn’t carry any.

I haven’t used MikroTik for a while now but I remembered its WinBox interface fast enough. And I remembered how it saves its settings immediately thus punishing you for any error. It is definitely not the most friendly user interface nor I can call it excellent for beginners. But it is powerful enough to be worth learning.

Anyhow, with basic configuration done I wanted to limit upstream bandwidth toward my main router. From Queues menu I just added new queue, set Target to “ether1”, and assigned Max limit for both upload (256 kbit/s) and download (64 kbit/s). Short speed test later and I was confused. Speed wasn’t being restricted at all. And traffic figures were unreasonably low. Something weird was going on.

A bit of troubleshooting and I found the culprit. Once I changed in IP->Firewall the defcon entry from “fasttrack connection” to “accept”, my queue started limiting as it should.