Focus Thief


There is NO REASON WHATSOEVER to make a window top-most if user has not explicitly requested so. And no application should make that sin.

Let’s imagine a scenario in which your server temporarily refuses connection. Outlook detects that password/user-name fails and decides to ask you. Since this is so important it shows window in foreground as A FUCKING TOP-MOST window. You dismiss it with cancel in order to continue with your work. In three seconds FUCKING TOP-MOST window reappears and you click it away, again. And it appears again. And you dismiss it again. And you start writing something only to have that FUCKING TOP-MOST window steal focus again. Most viruses/worms/diseases I know are not annoying as much as Outlook 2010.

I believe that developer who implemented this should be forced to do team programming with whichever moron manager thought this was a good idea. And they should kick each other in balls every time window pops-up.

Rollback in Mercurial


Lets start with assumption that you are both user of Mercurial and that you made an error in merging. Or it might be directory restructuring gone bad. In any case, you need to go few revisions back.

Let’s assume that we have small project well into development. Situation is simple enough and there are no branches involved. Only important thing to notice is that version that works was 137 and all changes after that are something that we would rather forget:

140: Some editing.
139: Fixing renames.
138: Directory reorganization.
137: Everything is working!

There are two solutions that can bring us toward situation as it was in 137.

Easiest, and (in my opinion) cleanest solution, is just to clone your repository. Making new clone that goes to revision 137 will solve problems with a clean cut. Unfortunately there are couple of problems with this clean solution. If your repository is shared one, be prepared to call every person that uses it and to tell them they need to delete their local repository and make a new clone. If you forget to do that changes that you just removed might magically appear when someone else pushes (since Mercurial will think that they have newer version). Some sort of synchronization is definitely needed.

Another issue with this method would be loss of history. If you had any changes done between 137 and 140, they are forever gone. That might not be a problem if there wasn’t many changes or if they were trivial but you should be careful about this.


Fortunately Mercurial has way of solving this and it is called backout. Just remember to give it revision where you messed up. In this case that revision would be 138 (directory reorganization).

This method is not as nice since all that “bad” code is there. However, all history is preserved and all changes that happened after revision that was backed out are merged again. While it still might be a good move to notify team of changes, nobody will kill you if you forget to. :)

Fax 0

What to do when you are stranded in foreign land and you have an fax to send? As always Internet brings solution to a problem.

My search gave me lot of results for Fax subscription but very few that allow simple one-time sending. Even worse, most of those that do allow single payment had issues with my Croatia-issues credit card. After long search I did found one that I could use. has rather simple page where you can opt to do single send (with ads or with payment) and their subscription. I tried sending single .pdf files with payment and everything works as expected. Once your fax is uploaded, you are taken to PayPal. As soon as payment is completed your fax is in sending queue. It does take some time to send a fax but you will get confirmation on your e-mail. It does everything you would expect of fax service.

However, there is dark side to this. As soon as I sent my fax via FaxZero, I started getting new spam. It amounted to total of ten or so spams before my spam filters started working again. Yes, it might be just coincidence that those spam e-mails started arriving as soon as I gave my address away. But my experience teaches me that real coincidence is rare thing.

My final verdict about this service is to use it nevertheless. Just be sure to get yourself some throw-able e-mail that you can close once fax is sent.


There is new site that seems to get a lot of attention lately. It is called HackNotifier.

Basis premises are quite easy. You give them e-mail and they will check whether it appears in any of hacker released databases. For small sum of $5 per month they will check your account in real-time and notify you if it appears in fore-mentioned databases. For two bucks more it will even send you a SMS.

On their main page they claim total of 1,485,523 e-mail accounts that were hacked and invite you to check yours. In order to protect you they even have https certificate. But I keep on wondering how big an idiot you need to be in order to give them your e-mail…

Way I see it this is ideal e-mail gathering site. All that site operator needs to do is to save each e-mail that gets checked. After you get an e-mail, just increase counter on main page and tell user whatever. Most users either will not check or are not able to. Easiest way to collect accounts if you ask me…

Even if we assume that this site is legitimate (and that is huge stretch) what do you gain by checking your mail there or (in case of chronic stupidity) subscribing to their service. They let you know whether your e-mail is in some database. And what will you do with that information? Get new account? If you intend to do so, save yourself trouble and get new account each day. You will be safe.

P.S. Site can be found at www dot hacknotifier dot com. I do not want to link to them.

Real Thing Indeed


I arrived to USA on a Lufthansa’s flight from Frankfurt. While flight was normal in every way possible - whether it is lousy choice of movies, sadistic headset or bad food - there was one thing I actually enjoyed tremendously.

We got real knife and fork for our meals!

Yes, someone from Lufthansa figured that not everybody flying is terrorist and they gave us proper stainless steel knife. Words cannot describe enjoyment of using proper silverware (stainlessware?) instead of plastic rubbish. And it wasn’t some flimsy dull knife either. It was proper heavy and sharp piece of metal. Yes, food was still not great, but at least I could cut through it like a human being.

Thanks Lufthansa.