After NIST’s post-quantum crypthography call for proposal, we have quite a few submissions for round 1.
With almost 70 entries and considering these are all (almost) completely new algorithms, it’s hard to say which are going to be favorites. However, based on no science but name alone, I do have a few favorites.
First one is nod to Star Trek in form of CRYSTALS-DILITHIUM. It is a lattice-based scheme with slight performance advantage over other proposals. Sadly, it uses CryptoJedi as hosting for its white paper which I believe constitutes forbidden religion mix.
Further into the Jedi territory, there is a NewHope algorithm. As it’s unfortunately case with many proposal, there is no website for it, but there is a white paper. It’s again lattice-based algorithm with a focus toward forward secrecy. Not too bad and I would say quite a favorite considering it’s already present in Chrome.
One I like is NTRU Prime. It is (again) lattice-based, but it takes special care to avoid issues other lattice systems might have - the most important being constant-time execution to make classic side-channel attacks more difficult.
Another one to check might be Falcon. It is again lattice-based but with special care given to small memory footprint and stellar performance.
If lattice-based does not work, my money is on DAGS algorithm using quasi-dyadic codes. Its small key size compared to other code-based candidates and possibility of asymmetric key exchange where you get to fine-tune load on server as compared to client make it ideal for IoT (often both energy and performance deprived) applications.
Lastly, RLCE-KEM seems interesting as its RLCE-based encryption gives high performance - even when compared to traditional algorithms. It is a bit finicky algorithm, especially when it comes to padding, but its speed might make it worth.
It is way too early to make serious predictions but I personally really like thought that went into DAGS. It seems to be something that could nicely work for both current and post-quantum scenarios. And fine tuning of server/client work ratio seems to be god-given for battery operated devices. Of course, with great flexibility comes a great responsibility and (generally-speaking) more flexible algorithms allow security downgrades a bit more of a risk.
Creating read-only archives is often beneficial. This is especially so when we are dealing with something standard across many system. And rarely you will find anything more standard than CD/DVD .iso files. You can mount it on both Windows 10 and Linux without any issues.
There are quite a few programs that will allow you to create .iso files but they are often overflowing with ads. Fortunately every Linux distribution comes with a small tool capable of the same without any extra annoyances. That tool is called [mkisofs](
Setting input charset is essentially only needed to suppress warning. UTF-8 is default anyhow and in 99% cases exactly what you want.
Using UDF as output format enables a bit more flexible file and directory naming rules. Standard ISO 9660 format (even when using level 3) is so full of restrictions making it annoying at best- most notable being support for only uppercase file names. UDF allows Unicode file names up to 255 characters in length and has no limit to directory depth.
Albeit, it was not meant to be. Official procedure always resulted in No package certbot-apache available error. So I went with slightly alternate approach:
This will create file at /etc/httpd/conf/httpd-le-ssl.conf that will have your SSL configuration. If you prefer to have all your configuration visible together, you can go ahead and copy it back into httpd.conf with the following result:
Once you are happy with configuration (remember we are using the staging configuration at this time), you can get a proper production certificate. I personally don’t like my httpd.conf touched so I like to go with alternative “webroot” verification. As our staging certificate is fairly new, we need to force renewal.
If you install WordPress these days, you won’t even know that upload path is customizable. Setting that used to be under Settings/Media is simply no longer there.
However, if you configured that setting before WordPress 3.5, you will see two additional boxes. Newer versions of WordPress simply hide them if they are left blank. And that leaves us with chicken/egg problem: you cannot change it until you already changed it once before.
Fortunately, web interface is not the only way to change settings in WordPress. We can go directly to MySQL and change settings there.
Of course, adjust database name and path according to your needs. My path is a bit weird as I keep WordPress files in subdirectory, but SQL commands look something like this:
mysql -e"UPDATE ^^wordpress^^.wp_options SET option_value='^^../content/media^^' WHERE option_name='upload_path';"
mysql -e"UPDATE ^^wordpress^^.wp_options SET option_value='^^/content/media^^' WHERE option_name='upload_url_path';"
Now you can refresh admin interface and everything will be in place.
Back in 2011 I finally got fed up with Firefox. It was slow, crashing every few moments, and often it would hang. Suffice to say, I was not a happy camper. I tried Chrome, fell in love, and haven’t looked back.
Fast forward to 2017. Up to a few days ago I had a déjà vu feeling. Chrome was getting slow, it crashed daily, and it would hang often - especially on YouTube. The only difference being was difficulty of killing Chrome as it consists of multiple processes and some of them cannot be easily killed.
I did entertain idea of Edge for a day just to find it is still a piece of crap, less capable than even Internet Explorer, and incapable of properly handling shortcut toolbar editing. I also though of Safari for a moment but decided against it purely based on dislike of version I installed three years ago.
At the end I gave Firefox a try and now, month later, I am still using it.
Move itself was uneventful and definitively not a big jump. Interface is similar enough to Chrome to a point I mostly don’t even notice I switched - the only minor annoyance is having all downloaded files under menu. It is a bit lower on memory but not much. Not sure it is faster. Bookmark sync works flawlessly.
But the biggest benefit is that it is rock solid. It is essentially what Chrome was for me a year ago. Shows web pages and doesn’t get in the way. Knowing history, I won’t stay with Firefox forever. But I’ll enjoy it for now in hope Chrome will fix their code before Firefox spoils theirs.