With Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop there is a (still experimental) ZFS setup option in the addition to long time manual ZFS installation option. For Ubuntu Server we’re still dependent on the manual steps.
Steps here follow my 19.10 server guide but without the encryption steps. While I normally love having encryption enabled, there are situations where it gets in the way. Most notable example is a machine which you cannot access remotely to enter encryption key.
To start with installation we need to get to the root prompt. Just find Enter Shell behind Help menu item (Shift+Tab comes in handy) and you’re there.
The very first step is setting up a few variables - disk, pool, host name, and user name. This way we can use them going forward and avoid accidental mistakes. Make sure to replace these values with the ones appropriate for your system. It’s a good idea to use something unique for the pool name (e.g., host name). I personally also like having pool name start with uppercase but there is no real rule here.
To start the fun we need debootstrap and zfsutils-linux package. Unlike desktop installation, ZFS package is not installed by default.
aptinstall--yesdebootstrap zfsutils-linux
General idea of my disk setup is to maximize amount of space available for pool with the minimum of supporting partitions. If you are planning to have multiple kernels, increasing boot partition size might be a good idea. Major change as compared to my previous guide is partition numbering. While having partition layout different than partition order had its advantages, a lot of partition editing tools would simply “correct” the partition order to match layout and thus cause issues down the road.
Assuming UEFI boot, two additional partitions are needed. One for EFI and one for booting. Unlike what you get with the official guide, here I don’t have ZFS pool for boot partition but a plain old ext4. I find potential fixup works better that way and there is a better boot compatibility. If you are thinking about mirroring, making it bigger and ZFS might be a good idea. For a single disk, ext4 will do.
Bootstrapping Ubuntu on the newly created pool is next. As we’re dealing with server you can consider using --variant=minbase rather than the full Debian system. I personally don’t see much value in that as other packages get installed as dependencies anyhow. In any case, this will take a while.
Let’s not forget to setup locale and time zone. If you opted for minbase you can either skip this step or manually install locales and tzdata packages.
Now we get grub started and update our boot environment. Due to Ubuntu 19.10 having some kernel version kerfuffle, we need to manually create initramfs image. As before, boot cryptsetup discovery errors during mkinitramfs and update-initramfs as OK.
Since we’re dealing with computer that will most probably be used without screen, it makes sense to install OpenSSH Server.
aptinstall--yes openssh-server
I also prefer to allow remote root login. Yes, you can create a sudo user and have root unreachable but that’s just swapping one security issue for another. Root user secured with key is plenty safe.
If you’re willing to deal with passwords, you can allow them too by changing both PasswordAuthentication and PermitRootLogin parameter. I personally don’t do this.
Consider enabling firewall. While you can go wild with firewall rules, I like to keep them simple to start with. All outgoing traffic is allowed while incoming traffic is limited to new SSH connections and responses to the already established ones.
aptinstall--yesman iptables iptables-persistent
iptables -F
iptables -X
iptables -Z
iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -P FORWARD DROP
iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport22-j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p ipv6-icmp -j ACCEPT
netfilter-persistent save
As install is ready, we can exit our chroot environment.
As it is the machine with the most redundancy, there are many tasks that fall onto my XigmaNAS server. One of those tasks is serving as a syslog destination for other devices.
However, you cannot get that behavior by default as its syslog server will start in secure mode ([-ss](https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=syslogd&sektion=8)) without opening any socket. And there is no easy GUI way to make it accept syslog messages.
But here comes the power of postinit actions. Just add the following in System⮞Advanced⮞Command scripts as the new PostInit entry:
sed-i-e's^ -ss^ -a^' /etc/rc.d/syslogd ; /etc/rc.d/syslogd restart
Your XigmaNAS server will now accept all messages coming from your local network.
PS: To troubleshoot settings, you can do the following on the command line:
Before I had CyberCard, I still had a need to monitor if my system was running off the UPS power. If my server could detect power out and shut down other devices, my battery life would keep server up for longer.
If you have Mikrotik’s router with two power supplies and an SSH connection to the same there is a trick you can use - Mikrotik can show you each power supply state. If you take care to plug one power supply into the UPS and the other one into the non-UPS outlet, you suddenly have a detector.
Even better, the voltage doesn’t go immediately to 0 V as soon as power is out so there is a delay built-in. So, script is as easy as detecting 0V on the output. Something like this.
ssh-i ~/.ssh/id_rsa admin@^^router.home^^ "/system health print"\|egrep'psu[12]-voltage'|grep-q'0V'&&echo"Do Something!"
PS: If you’re interested in the whole script around this, you can download it here.
I finally decided to migrate my Wordpress onto Ubuntu 20.04 only to discover e-mail I configured via Smtpmail stopped working. That meant my WordPress and various PHP and command line tools couldn’t use Google’s e-mail relay to deliver e-mails to my Inbox. It was time to setup my server to use Google’s SMTP again. And this time I decided to go with postfix.
Installing postfix usually involves a GUI asking a few questions. However, you can use debconf-set-selections to preload the answers. Make sure to be the root used (sudo su -).
And that’s pretty much it. The only remaining thing is to restart postfix:
systemctl restart postfix
To test if it works, just use sendmail.
echo"Subject: Test via sendmail"|sendmail-v ^^youremail@example.com^^
[2022-06-16: As of 2022-06-01, it’s not possible to use your Google email and password directly. However, you can still follow this guide and use App Password instead.]
After publishing text about the CyberCard project I got the question from a friend. Wasn’t it cheaper to buy Jeff Mayes’ interface driver then to build my own?
Answer is yes - at $30 that board is cheap. But that’s not all. Even the original RMCARD205 at $150 is cheaper than what I spent.
First of all, there were 4 revisions. The first revision was a bit too large. Manually filing PCB did the trick for the troubleshooting but I wanted to have revision B with the correct width. While width was now correct, I accidentally shortened it a bit. And yes, this brought me to the third revision. For that revision I also changed MCP2221A to SOIC package. It wasn’t strictly necessary but I figured having all three ICs in SOIC looked nicer than having different package styles on the same board. The last revision D was just a bit more fiddling with design without any major change. Yes, there were some other changes but this was a gist of it.
Considering each revision was around $25 in PCB cost (OSHPark) and I spent about $50 in parts for them, project was more expensive than official RMCARD205 even without accounting for my time. Since the first version was actually working, you can view all the time and money spent afterward as wasted.
But I disagree. From the moment I started working on it I knew it would end more expensive than the original part. Even for the first board I spent more money in PCB and parts than what Jeff’s adapter would cost with shipping. I found this board to be the perfect project: it would result in something useful, it was simple enough that I could work with it whenever I had some spare time, cheap enough that it wouldn’t break the bank, and an excellent chance to setup PIC16F1454 as an USB device.
I was eyeing PIC16F1454 for a few years now (I still have sample from Microchip from when it was originally announced) but I never got around to. When I first started with the board design I noticed MCP2221A USB-to-serial bridge was compatible with 16F1454’s footprint. If I was a betting man, I would have said that MCP2221A was nothing other than PIC16F1454 with the custom code. This project gave me a reason to get into this interesting PIC and do some USB programming.
I actually paid not for the final board - no matter how well it works. I paid a good money to keep me entertained and to fill my free time. And it was worth every penny.