Special Match


For those wanting to bridge Starcraft gap between GOM TV’s Averatec-Intel Classic 2 and next one, there is special match. It is between Bisu (current champion) and Jaedong (season one champion).

Very exciting.

P.S. New season will start on march, 15th 2009 (may be changed “according to players’ status”).

[2009-03-23: It seems that “may be changed” part prevailed. Next season hasn’t started yet.] [2009-03-24: New season start date is 2009-03-29.]

Windays 2009


I got my piece of action at next Windays conference. I will give presentation about Virtual disk support in Windows 7 during technology part of conference.

It cover news regarding support for virtual disks in Windows 7 (hopefully, RC will be out by then), booting inside them and programming API support from C# perspective.

After presentation, I will “leak” content here also.



When I bought my new laptop (HP 6730b), there was one thing that made my eyes glow. It had fingerprint reader. Imagine all possibilities of using it as fancy tool to unlock your laptop by the power of finger. :)

Only problem is that it didn’t look cool. It looked like I am little bit disturbed. I pass my finger over sensor - it does not even see that finger exists. I pass it again - cannot read it properly. Again - oh, no, I am sliding my finger too fast. After a while, people around me went betting whether I will be able to logon within three swipes.

I installed Windows 7 and only device without driver is my fingerprint reader. As one can imagine, I didn’t miss it so much. But suddenly Windows notified me that there is solution for my problem - you guess it - I got a link to driver. It was not my usual driver - original was from HP - this one was directly from AuthenTec.

What have I lost compared to HP’s one? Only thing that seems relevant is connection to TPM which, in security sense, was nice thing to have. However, I cannot believe that there is still same hardware beneath it. Now I really use my fingerprint reader for logging on. Oh, what difference, can a driver make. Not only that, if you uninstall HP’s driver and put this one on Vista, same thing happens - it just starts working.

I can only conclude one thing. Works better without HP garbage.

VB 6.0 in Windows 7

Visual Basic 6.0 will be supported under Windows 7. That means ten more years of runtime being shipped with OS and all applications “just working”. This support is for runtime and supported runtime files (mostly those that came with it). There is no support for controls that were not part of VB 6 delivery (some VB 5 compatibility files).

Development environment (IDE) hasn’t had same fortune. It’s officially supported life already ended but it does work fine on Windows 7 beta 1. I just hope that it will stay like that for final version also.

MobiReg - Beta 1


I created small registry editor for windows mobile devices. With it you can browse your registry and perform whatever change you wish. It supports string, binary, DWord (32-bit), QWord (64-bit), multi-string and expandable-string data types. Additionally to that, there is support for both Smartphone (Windows Mobile Classic) and Pocket PC (Windows Mobile Professional) platform in single executable.

You can download first beta here (cab installer) [2009-04-21: final version is out]. In order to run it, you may need .NET Compact Framework 2.0 or higher (if it is not already installed).