Why ULONG Is 32-Bit Even on 64-Bit Windows

When you prepare C#'s DllImport functions, remember that if you see ULONG, you need to convert it as Int32 (more precise would be UInt32). Although one would assume that ULONG would be 64-bit on 64-bit systems, it is actually four bytes on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.

Reason this happens is Microsoft’s decision to use LLP64 data model for Windows API. This was done in order to ease switch to 64-bits for C++ programs. All API calls that were done on 32-bit systems that had ULONG in it, will work same even in 64-bit world. Easiest change is one that requires no action.

If you really want something with 64 bits, use ULONGLONG (or LONGLONG). This one is eight bytes in both 32-bit and 64-bit environment.

Beware if you see pointer to ULONG. Even if ULONG is four bytes on 64-bit platform, pointer to it is eight bytes. As matter of fact, all pointers are eight bytes.

Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1

I played a little with this thing and I can only say that I cannot believe that this is WPF application. I wanted to check how mobile development looks like but I could not find it in this version.

I really wanted to check whether Cellular Emulator finally works under 64-bit Windows but it seems that I will need to wait until next version.

Shake It Babe

There is one feature in Windows 7 that I though was useless. Basically, you take title-bar of any window and move mouse (shake it) while holding left mouse button. That action causes all windows to disappear thus leaving your window as single occupant of desktop space.

Today I wanted to copy one file to desktop. I had mouse in my hand but also a lot of windows in path between explorer and desktop. There was no easy way to see desktop except minimizing all windows except one with my file. Than I understood.

This shake it motion is for people so lazy that one additional minimize all would be troublesome. That said, I did like it. :)

KulenDayz 2009

If you work with Microsoft technologies, you should definitely visit KulenDayz 2009 conference. It is community organized event held in Croatia with quite a few international speakers.

Conference will last for three days. First and last day will be fun, but second day will be all about learning. Sessions will be mix of Code camp style sessions (no fluff, just code) and Chalk&Talk (hanging around with flip chart). I definitely recommend later since amount of information you can get during informal chat is just amazing.

While small fee is required for lodging and events, conference sessions are completely free. Do feel free to register and join us (be quick, number is limited).

P.S. If you are wondering, Kulen is type of spicy sausage native to Slavonija.

Characters Missing in Action

I live in small country named Croatia. Like most of countries on “old continent” we use some specific letters. For Croatia those specific letters include Č, Ć, Đ, Š and Ž. Usual way of entering those letters is to use Symbols screen and select from all special characters. It is not ideal, but it is manageable.

Only problem is letter Đ. For some reason, Microsoft decided to omit that one from symbol selection. Don’t get me wrong - that letter is supported - problem is how to enter it on mobile device.

To solve it, I just do entering of this letter on computer and let it synchronize to mobile. If I really need to enter it on machine, I just open some old contact with that letter and copy-paste it in correct place.

Only issue I had with that plan was that Windows Mobile 6.0 Standard (Smartphone) has no copy-paste support out-of-box. However, there is nice freeware program called VITO CopyPaste that works pretty good.