
There is new Microsoft’s search engine called Bing. Name itself reminds me of Alan Ford’s quote: “Hello, Bing, how’s the brother?”. While meaning of that greeting is not so nice (trafficking stolen goods), it means that I will remember it without problems.

Search interface is clean (with nice picture background) and search speed is good. However, after spending one day with it, I cannot say that I am too excited. When I look at all those things it can do, I feel cheated. All that seems really useful, but in reality almost everything is limited to North America. All I got from it is just generic search engine results.


P.S. It even fails at recognizing that I come from Croatia. Getting results of Slovenian pages does not help me much.


In times of 8-bit systems byte (octet) was used to denote processors data size. When 16-bit computers appeared, WORD was used for sizes same as size of processor’s data bus. At those times, one WORD was equal to two bytes.

Once 32-bit computing came around, choice needed to be made. Whether to re-use WORD (but to alter it’s 16-bit era meaning) or to make new unit. DWORD (double WORD) was born to signify this new bus width. On 64-bit computers, natural choice was QWORD (quadruple WORD).

Is OWORD (octal WORD) next?

Juni Vs By.hero


I stumbled upon this video of Zerg vs. Zerg Starcraft match.

Until now, I though that this match-up cannot last more than ten minutes. Boy, I was wrong.



I got Nivea Active 3 from my wife and I consider it ultimate product for men. It combines showering gel, shampoo and shaving cream. Not only that you solve almost all men’s hygienic needs (no toothpaste inside), you only need to remember to buy single product. That is precious.

While this is primary showering gel and pretty lousy as anything else, it is definitely something you want to take on trip with you.

If they only had bacon-flavored version…