QText 2.20


QText is small “notepadish” program for taking quick notes. In order to avoid data loss, it auto-saves everything you type.

For new version, changes are:

  • Fix: Window restoring via shortcut.
  • Fix: Clipboard bug (Requested Clipboard operation did not succeed).
  • Added Find option.

And last change is finally attaching a license to program. I opted for MIT license if anybody cares.

Download it here.

Wireless in Windows Server 2008 R2


If you use/test Windows Server 2008 R2 on your laptop, you will notice that your wireless adapter is disabled by default. And you will also notice that you cannot enable it no matter how many times you try. Problem is that wireless connection requires Wireless Zero Configuration service running and that one is not installed by default.


Only step that is required is adding “Wireless LAN Service” feature. Just go to “Server Manager”, select “Features” and after you click on “Add Feature”, you will get list with quite few features to select from. Only one that we need is “Wireless LAN Service”.

After quick installation (no reboot is required), your wireless is available once more.

To Have and to Lose


Visual Studio 2008 had one great feature - guidelines. While this may seem as irrelevant feature to casual observer, it is indispensable if you are used to editing text document in RFC style. It was useful even in code files as a signal that line is getting too long and you need to consider continuing your code in next line.

Visual Studio 2010 (beta 1) gave us brave new editor with lots of features but, as you may guess it, without this one. For all people who loved this feature, it is quite sad that it will be omitted from final version also. While I can understand that it was never official feature to start with, I cannot get over it.

However, life goes on. There is great extensibility support in new Visual Studio so someone may even write this. Who knows, if time allows, maybe even I will do that.

[2010-04-06: Paul Harrington did it. Guidelines are back.]