It may be little unfair to compare self-hosting solution that you can configure to suit your needs with solution that needs to satisfy masses but I will do it anyhow. :)
Thing that annoyed me most with Blogger was getting to Google Webmaster Tools and then seeing that my blog was slower than 75% of all other locations. It may be that some of that slowness came because of SyntaxHighlighter but definitely not all can be blamed on it.
Blogger never had search integrated. WordPress gives you proper search limited to your blog only. It just works as it should.
Source code
I try to keep number of programming-related posts at this blog at cca 50% (although you wouldn’t say this judging by last 10 posts :)) so it is fair to say that I have big need for syntax highlighting. With Blogger I had solution that kind-of worked but with WordPress it is just much better. Although I use same underlying solution (Alex Gorbatchev’s SyntaxHighlighter) WordPress just integrates it much better. There is no need to load all brushed, there is no need to do any preparation of XML (< and > characters get replaced automatically). I just installed plugin and all started working.
Basic functionality
One may be puzzled that I left basic functionality as last point but there is reason for it. Basic functionality that you would expect while writing posts is almost equal for both of them. I just find no big difference here. I might even say that Blogger had slight advantage here (mostly because of integrated preview and easier date entry) but I do not find anything worth complaining about. Once you sum all advantages and disadvantages on both sides, there is just not clear winner.
Never mind all complaints above - I used Blogger for full two years and I haven’t felt punished. Although I find WordPress better solution there is also more maintenance involved. Blogger just worked without any effort on my side. For self-hosted WordPress there is more of effort involved (e.g. backups, security…). Life is just not as simple as before.
I do intend to use WordPress from now on, but we shall see how wise that decision was once something fails and, Murphy says, something will fail.
I like statistics and start of new year always brings opportunity to summarize previous one. :)
There were 132 new posts for year 2010 and around 40% were about programming. Next 30% were about virtualization, SQL and general IT topics. Rest of posts were either me presenting new versions of my programs (MagiWOL, QText and VHD Attach) or being annoyed over something.
Total number of page views was around 65,000 which is quite an improvement over 20,000 that was for last year. Total number of visits that I saw was around 54,000. Search engines still bring me around 75% of traffic with Google as a clear winner (over 70%). U.S. visitors are strong at 30% with all other countries bringing less than 10% to the table. My own country (Croatia) is not even within first 10.
Internet Explorer is winner with 39% (same as last year) with Firefox being close second with 35% (43% last year). My personal favorite Chrome is at 19% (from 10% last year). 95% of my visitors are running Windows (62% being Windows 7).
From my very first home page somewhere in 1994 to my current one (that is, until yesterday) I always did every aspect of design myself. My home was always handcrafted.
Last big update I did in year 2006. Then I made .NET based solution that enabled me to ease my way into updating content. Every year from then I started new design and then abandoned it because lack of time.
In meantime I started writing blog on and using it’s infrastructure and I was annoyed. Part was because lacks some basic functionality and part was because I could not change anything in it’s code.
Next year will be different. I finally got off my ass and did some WordPress investigations. Before I knew it, WordPress was already running on my test domain and it took only one day for it to move to my main domain. In next few days I will also migrate my blog.
It was an impulse decision to do this so do expect some down time while I get to know the platform.