Allowing Root Login For Red Hat QCow2 Image

You should never depend on root login when dealing with OpenStack cloud. Pretty much all pre-prepared cloud images have it disabled by default. Ideally all your user provisioning should be done as part of the cloud-init procedure and there you should either create your own user or work with the default cloud-user and the key you provisioned. But what if you are troubleshooting some weird (network) issue and you need console login for your image?

Well, you can always re-enable root user by directly modifying qcow2 image.

To edit qcow2 images, we need first to install libguestfs-tools. On my Linux Mint, that requires the following:

sudo apt-get install libguestfs-tools

Of course, if you are using yum or some other package manager, adjust accordingly. :)

Once installation is done, we simply mount image into /mnt/guestimage and modify the shadow file to assign password (changeme in this example) to the root user:

sudo mkdir /mnt/guestimage
sudo guestmount -a rhel-server-7.5-update-3-x86_64-kvm.qcow2 -m /dev/sda1 /mnt/guestimage
sudo sed -i 's/root:!!/root:$1$QiSwNHrs$uID6S6qOifSNZKzfXsmQG1/' /mnt/guestimage/etc/shadow
sudo guestunmount /mnt/guestimage
sudo rmdir /mnt/guestimage

All nodes installed from this image will now allow you to use root login with password authentication. Just don’t forget to remove this change once you’re done troubleshooting.

PS: While I use Red Hat image in the example, the procedure also applies to CentOS and most of other cloud distributions too.

Ideal Multimeter


If you are into electronics, probably the first test device you’ll own will be a multimeter. Not only you can get it for dirt cheap - my first multimeter was less than $10 in today’s money - but you can also do a lot in digital electronics with multimeter alone.

As I pawed my road to electronics with quite a few good and bad multimeters, I want to share my thoughts on what is important for a decent general purpose multimeter. I will stick to Agilent/Keysight U1232A and EEVBlog 121GW for most of my comparisons as these are two multimeters I use these days. However, principles are general and can be applied to any multimeter.

The very first thing I need of multimeter is to be safe. When I just started with electronics I didn’t care about that because I worked with low DC voltages only. However, sooner or later I would measure something on 240 V line. And not all multimeters would survive - some failing spectacularly. Having kids of curious age I like to have all my meters CAT rated and UL listed. And most of good meters will not die even if you do something utterly stupid like connecting to line voltage while in current range. Higher cost does offer higher survivability.

The next thing I find very important is speed. Having a high digit count is nice but it usually comes at the cost of speed. I find that 6000 count on my Agilent is much more comfortable for general measurement than 50000 counts EEVBlog has to offer. Yes, high digit count is important for certain scenarios and it’s not too bad to have one such meter available. But, if I had to choose one multimeter, I would go for a faster one. That said, don’t go under 6000 counts.


In regards to speed, a special attention should be shown toward continuity check. Regardless of the display update speed, continuity tester must be fast and latched. Even the most minute contact between probes has to result in the (low volume, please) beep or flash. While most people prefer beep, I find backlight flash really great but that might be due to most of my work taking place during night when flash is easily visible and laud noises are not really desired. Speaking of flash, I love option to turn backlight with a single button. If you ask me, I would set all my multimeters to have backlight by default - battery life be damned - but I will be OK if I can turn light on easily.

I prefer when each measurement is a separate selection on a range switch as it makes switching between them a breeze. Multimeters with a lot of options tend to have just a few ranges but with Mode button switching between them. 121GW is specially nasty in this area as, not only it requires mode button but it also remembers the last mode selected. While this sounds like a good idea, it ensures that I need to check every time by looking onto display (that requires long press for backlight) before doing any work. This alone is probably the major reason why my Agilent sees much more use despite 121GW having more functionality and better specs.

Speaking about more functionality, I found 121GW’s mV range a real gem. If your multimeter gives you decent resolution it can pretty much substitute measuring current altogether. Just measure voltage drop over a resistor (or fuse) and you have all that’s needed to calculate current. Much easier than switching to current range and inserting multimeter into the circuit. Yes, this won’t work if you need precise and/or low-current measurement, but it works well to get ballpark figure and that’s often all that’s needed anyhow.

And order of measurements on the range switch is equally important. I prefer my order to be Low-Z voltage measurement, Off, DC voltage, AC voltage, other voltage related measurements, current, and finally the second off position. While this does prevent me from easily turning off multimeter by just moving switch into the far left position, it enables me to setup all on board and go into voltage measurement directly without traveling through Low-Z mode. While I love low-Z mode, I do not like when I have to go over it from off position (Agilent did this beautifully). Speaking of low-Z, idiotic restrictions like 12V minimum voltage for it to work 121GW has make it more nuisance than an useful range.


If you are into temperature measurement, you will want support for standard K-type probes. Agilent here fails miserably as it requires special adapter to do it. My personal opinion is that, if any special adapter is required for measurement, that functionality might as well not exist.

Functionality I found awesome but it’s rarely implemented these days is a simple frequency counter. Yes, both U1232A and 121GW can measure frequency but range is laughably small (up to 100 kHz and 1 MHz respectively). When you deal with PWM circuits or you just want to check clock lines, a decent frequency measurement (like UT71C has - up to 40+ MHz) means you don’t need to pull out the scope most of the time.

Having the low burden voltage is an excellent thing in theory as it can mean a difference between being able to measure circuit’s current or not. In practice it depends on your use case. For me, working on 3.3V and 5V circuits, there is more than enough margin to handle any drop multimeter brings in.

Diode measurement should be a separate range so LED (or any other diode) polarity can be tested without much effort. If you are dealing with LEDs a lot, investing in multimeter that supports higher test voltage (like 15V on 121GW) does come in handy.

Other features worth mentioning include True RMS and auto-hold functionality. I found that not having either is not a breaking deal but they do come in useful once in a while.


I do require support for either AA or AAA batteries in any multimeter I use. Not only 9V has generally inferior capacity but it’s also something I don’t ever have when I need it. There is simply no justification this day and age why standard batteries shouldn’t be used. And battery compartment should have a captive screw unless you want to spend 15 minutes searching for it every time you change the batteries.

Every decent multimeter will have a way of connecting to the computer for logging purposes. While bluetooth seems like a good idea, I found it lacking in practice as I would often find something would go wrong with it overnight. A nice physical cable is my preferred solution here.

In regards to the probes I find silicone is a must as stiff probe cables will be a hindrance. Tips have to be sharp and ideally their CAT III/IV insulation should be removable. Fully insulated probe is fine when dealing with high voltages or narrow spaces but often more exposed metal makes for easier measurement.

Unfortunately, finding the multimeter with all these features is hard if not impossible. Every multimeter - regarless of the price range - will have something missing. However, with two multimeters you can come darn close.

PS: Notice I haven’t spoke about precision at all as needs are highly dependent on the exact use case. For me 1% on DC is OK and this is something easily found in any decent multimeters.

PPS: One enjoyable thing you cannot really know until you see it also how multimeter fits in its carry case. Agilent is perfect here as you have range switch, all buttons, and probe holes reachable without ever getting it out.

Mounting Encrypted Volume on Mint 19

As I tried to upgrade Linux Mint from 18.3 to 19, all went kaboom and I was forced to decide if I want to reinstall OS from scratch or go and try to fix it. Since I was dealing with virtual machine, reinstalling it from scratch seemed like a better idea.

Once all was installed, I wanted to copy some files from the old volume. As full disk encryption was present, I knew a bit more complicated mount is needed. In theory, it should all work with the following commands:

sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb5 encrypted_mapper
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/encrypted_volume
sudo mount /dev/mapper/encrypted_mapper /mnt/encrypted_volume
sudo cryptsetup luksClose encrypted_mapper

In practice I got the following error:

sudo mount /dev/mapper/encrypted_mapper /mnt/encrypted_volume
 mount: /mnt/encrypted_volume: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'.

Issue was with volume manager’s dislike for both my current installation and previous one having the exactly same volume group name - mint-vg - and thus refusing to even consider doing anything with my old disk.

Before doing anything else, a rename of volume group was required. As names are equal, we will need to know UUID of the secondary volume. The easiest way to distinguish old and new volume is by looking at Open LV value. If it’s 0, we have our target.

sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb5 encrypted_mapper

sudo vgdisplay
  --- Volume group ---
  VG Name               mint-vg
  Cur LV                2
  Open LV               ^^0^^
  VG UUID               ^^Xu0pMS-HF20-Swb5-Yef3-XsjQ-9pzf-3nW4nn^^

sudo vgrename Xu0pMS-HF20-Swb5-Yef3-XsjQ-9pzf-3nW4nn mint-old-vg
  Processing VG mint-vg because of matching UUID Xu0pMS-HF20-Swb5-Yef3-XsjQ-9pzf-3nW4nn
  Volume group "Xu0pMS-HF20-Swb5-Yef3-XsjQ-9pzf-3nW4nn" successfully renamed to "mint-old-vg"

sudo vgchange -ay
  2 logical volume(s) in volume group "mint-vg" now active
  2 logical volume(s) in volume group "mint-old-vg" now active

With the volume finally activated, we can proceed mounting the old disk:

sudo mkdir -p /mnt/encrypted_volume
sudo mount /dev/mint-old-vg/root /mnt/encrypted_volume
sudo umount /mnt/encrypted_volume
sudo cryptsetup luksClose encrypted_mapper

PICkit 4


If you are already using PICkit 3, the first thing you’ll notice about PICkit 4 is increase in thickness and width alongside additional 2 pins on it ICSP connector. Finally PICkit can program (and debug) both PIC and Atmel microprocessor family. So let me compare it against it’s predecessor…

As far as I can deduce, there are two reasons for increase in thickness. First one is button/LED mechanism that actually takes quite a lot of space in front of the board. Old system of having button just stick through the plastic allowed shell to get closer to PCB while LED pipe and internal button simply need more space. That said, although I was skeptical about the button and accidental presses, it seems to work fine for now - whether it’ll age well remains to be seen.

The other reason for the thickness is addition of the SD card slot intended for use with programmer-on-the-go functionality. I say “intended” as functionality is still not available, continuing Microchip’s tradition of removing functionality with the new PICkit only to return it slightly worsened later. As an optimist I will assume this will allow for storing of multiple firmware images (for both PICkit and device). User interface will be hell with only a single button and RGB LED but it would make some sense.


However, assuming functionality ends up working as on PICkit 3 with the only one firmware image, I’ll consider it to be over-engineered nonsense. A few hundred kilobytes required for a single firmware image could have been stored on internal memory chip probably even cheaper than what SD card slot costs.

Looking inside, I was surprised to see Atmel ATSAME70Q21 as the main chip (PICkit 3 was using PIC24FJ256). I find the change neither good or bad on it’s own but such completely different platform might justify abandoning updates to PICkit 3 sooner than expected.


Despite the wider ICSP connector, I saw no obvious reason for device to get wider either. PCB is not really densely populated and I could bet engineers could have fit all in PICkit 3 case with a bit of effort. That said, I must admit that I like the look of new PICkit better. And yes, new shape is a bit less comfortable on hand, but I could live with it. New looks with the old case size, now that would be something. :)

The first 6 pins of the new connector are fully compatible with the old PIC ICSP and that means you can still directly connect it to any of your old board (assuming PICkit can still fit). If you are using pogo pins you can opt to get a wider (8-pin) pogo connector or just continue using the existing 6-pin one if you don’t need Atmel.

Microchip opted to use micro-B USB connector and I hate them for it. While I would understand PICkit 3 coming with the same, in 2018 Microchip should have used USB type C. It’s about the same size as micro-B but it allows for orientation agnostic plugins. With PICkit 3 it was less of a trouble as mini-B is bit and visible connector but with the new PICkit there is always a need for the three-way handshake.


I love the reset button next to USB connector but not for it’s reset functionality. Who’s gonna search for a paperclip to reset the device when unplugging/plugging into USB will do the same? I love it because you can see the main LED through its hole. If you are programming board with your PICkit in vertical position, you will get used to looking at LED from above instead of craning your neck on the side. This is probably the best addition there is.

Experience from MPLAB is pretty much the same as it ever was. You still need to download image into programmer for every damn PIC you use. When you switch between projects there is always a wait and need for Internet connection as it was with PICkit 3. Programming experience itself is similar to PICkit 3 and slightly faster.

All in all, if PICkit 4 was a straight upgrade from PICkit 3, I would hate its bulkiness much more as it does feel more unwieldy than PICkit 3. However, considering PICkit 4 is a single programmer allowing for both Atmel and PIC microcontrollers to be programmed I do think of it as a step forward.

Attacking WPA2 PSK And Mikrotik Fix


With everybody awaiting WPA3, it’s easy to miss improved WPA2 attacks. Up until recently cracking the WPA2 with pre-shared key required online attack. Well, not anymore.

This new attack doesn’t even require waiting for 4-way handshake - essentially all you need is a few minutes of passive traffic, minimal amount of luck, and a bit of alone time to crack the key - offline. If you are willing to go active capture time goes down to a second and no luck is involved. The only real challenge is offline cracking - and there is no time pressure here.

Without going into too many details, issue is in optional PMKID field that does come in handy for roaming support. Unfortunately, for most routers, PMKID gets sent even if roaming option is off.

There are two “fixes” for this. The obvious one is to increase complexity of your pre-shared key while avoiding ones present in the precalculated SHA-1 tables. We are still talking about brute forcing SHA-1 hash - a non-trivial task if you have long and random password.

Second approach is to disable PMKID field and that would require you to upgrade router’s firmware. Fortunately for me, Mikrotik already has a fix available and thus avoiding it as easy as selecting to Disable PMKID.

Mind you, that’s not absolute protection as weak passwords are still vulnerable no matter how you cut it. But this does prevent offline attack.