I had application on market for quite a while and suddenly I started receiving “SQLiteException”. Quick look at stack trace showed little bit more details:
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such column:Calendars._id:,while compiling:SELECT _id, title, dtstart FROM view_events WHERE(1)AND(Calendars._id=1)
This clearly pointed toward code that fills calendar events. Generally it looked like this:
Uri calendarsUri;Uri eventsUri;if(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT<=7){//up-to Android 2.1
calendarsUri =Uri.parse("content://calendar/calendars");
eventsUri =Uri.parse("content://calendar/events");}else{//Android 2.2 (Froyo) and later
calendarsUri =Uri.parse("content://com.android.calendar/calendars");
eventsUri =Uri.parse("content://com.android.calendar/events");}...Cursor cursor = resolver.query(eventsUri,newString[]{"_id","title","dtstart"},"Calendars._id="+ calendarId,null,null);...
Exception pointed right to that last line with query. Froyo had no idea what it should do with Calendars._id.
To make long ranting short, correct code should be:
With this everything started working again and, since calendar code got first-class citizen treatment and it is finally documented in SDK, I doubt that there will be further breaking changes down the road.
Best conference in these parts of world is almost upon us. Yes, I am talking about KulenDayz 2010.
Conference will be held (as usually) in Beli Manastir (near Osijek, in Croatia) at hotel Patria and attendance is completely free of charge although you do need to register. There is small additional fee if you wish to have dinner there but, trust me, it is well worth it.
This is first year when I will not give Microsoft centric talk - title says it all - “Windows Mobile developer in Android-land”. It will be about how well can Windows Mobile Developer adjust to new environment and how much it hurts. It will be experience and question driven so do not expect much of code.
As always, PowerPoint will be available for download.
P.S. Pun on Alice in Wonderland is quite intended. :)
What do you get when you cross Mark Minasi and Mark Russinovich?
You get one great presentation. It is named “The Secrets of Effective Technical Talks: How to Explain Tech without Tucking Them In!” and it is mandatory for any presenter-wanna-be.
I might not agree with some things they say (mostly PowerPoint related stuff) but there is lot of things to take home.
After quite a while new version of QText is here. It is still in beta but content of it should be all that is expected for final version - hopefully soon.
Only feature new to this beta is update of QText when content of file is changed in some other editor.
New beta is available for download. Hope you like it.
P.S. Soon in context of final 2.30 version is probably end of September.
Anyone who is both interested in electronics and has Android phone can check new application of mine. It is called Resistance and employs various calculations that include resistors.
Ok, it has only two calculators: LED resistor and voltage divider. It also has additional EIA E-series tool that will allow you to select real-life resistor.