Reading 74HC165 with Reduced Pin Count

For a project of mine, I had to read an 8-bit DIP switch. Easy solution was to use 74HC165 but there I had a problem. Fully interfacing with it requires 4 lines: Shift/Load, Clock, Clock Inhibit, and Q7. However, I only had 3 lines available.

Obvious one was getting rid of Clock Inhibit as that one can be tied to low permanently. This leaves only 3 lines but with a slightly unclear handling as official datasheet uses Clock Inhibit in all examples.

After a few tests with chips from different manufacturers, I found the following code works with all.

bitbang_cp_low();  __delay_us(1);  // bring clock down
bitbang_pl_low();  __delay_us(1);  // perform Load
bitbang_pl_high(); __delay_us(1);  // load done

uint8_t value = !bitbang_so_get(); // get the first bit as that one is already latched
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) {  // do the next 7 bits
    bitbang_cp_high(); __delay_us(1);  // clock goes high
    value <<= 1;                       // shift value 1 bit to have empty bit for the next load
    if (!bitbang_so_get()) { value |= 0x01; }  // read serial output
    bitbang_cp_low(); __delay_us(1);  // clock goes low for the next round

return value;

One can argue that 1µs delay is a bit too much but I actually found a few chips obtained from eBay that positively needed it to function properly. One could argue that those chips should be excluded as all reliable manufacturers specify it at 250ns or less. However, quadrupling that value in my use case (reading DIP switch on startup) wasn’t that important.

Regardless, adjust overall code as needed.

Comic Code and the Panose Category

Most people overlooking my coding are puzzled. Hey, isn’t that Comic Sans? And no, I don’t code in Comic Sans. What kind of animal you take me for?!

I use Comic Code. It’s a monospace variant of Comic Sans. A completelly different beast. :)

Honestly, after moving through many monospaced fonts over the years, this is the one font I found most comfortable to use. And yes, it’s not free. However, if you get it directly from Toshi Omagan, you’ll probably get a decent discount; I know I did. And no, there is no free alternative that supports Unicode properly.

Once I got the font via email, I started using it in VS Code, Visual Studio, Notepad++, Putty… Wait! It doesn’t work in Putty? Yep. My font of choice was not in the list. Uff. I had to select support for variable pitch fonts. Well, no biggie. And then I tried to change it for my Windows Console only to see there was no way to set it at all.

In search for a solution, and after learning way more than I needed (darn Wikipedia is black hole), I zeroed onto Panose classification and its Proportion category. Yep, Windows uses this category to decide which fonts to show in its classic dialog box when application asks for a fixed-spacing.

Fortunately for me, there is an excellent tool called Panosifier that allows changing any Panose setting without going far into the binary. I just ran it with --proportion 9 argument and, voila, my Comic Code was now visible even in Windows Console.

If you too decide to use this beautiful font, don’t worry. Its author has adjusted Panose since so font you receive should have it already set.

CRC-16 Nibble Lookup Table

I already wrote about using smaller-than-256-byte lookup table. What we ended up with was a smaller 32 byte lookup setup for CRC-8. However, if you’re sending a lot of data, CRC-8 won’t do. Can one make a nibble lookup table for CRC-16 too?

Of course one can. It’s actually exactly the same - just expand all variables to 16 bytes. In order to calculate lookup table, one can just use this code:

for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    uint16_t crc = (uint16_t)i;
    for (uint8_t j = 1; j <= 16; j++) {
        if (crc & 0x8000) {
            crc = (uint16_t)((crc << 1) ^ poly);
        } else {
            crc <<= 1;
    Crc16LutL[i] = crc;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
    uint16_t crc = (uint16_t)i << 4;
    for (uint8_t j = 1; j <= 16; j++) {
        if (crc & 0x8000) {
            crc = (uint16_t)((crc << 1) ^ poly);
        } else {
            crc <<= 1;
    Crc16LutH[i] = crc;

I will be using polynomial 0xA2EB (0xD175 in Koopman’s notation) since that one seems to be the best at this time. Mind you, in year from now, one might find another polynomial with better characteristics yet.

// Polynomial 0xA2EB
const uint16_t Crc16LutL[] = { 0x0000, 0xA2EB, 0xE73D, 0x45D6, 0x6C91, 0xCE7A, 0x8BAC, 0x2947, 0xD922, 0x7BC9, 0x3E1F, 0x9CF4, 0xB5B3, 0x1758, 0x528E, 0xF065, };
const uint16_t Crc16LutH[] = { 0x0000, 0x10AF, 0x215E, 0x31F1, 0x42BC, 0x5213, 0x63E2, 0x734D, 0x8578, 0x95D7, 0xA426, 0xB489, 0xC7C4, 0xD76B, 0xE69A, 0xF635, };

uint16_t crc16(uint8_t* data, uint8_t length) {
    uint16_t crc = 0;
    while (length--) {
        uint8_t combo = (crc >> 8) ^ *data++;
        crc = (crc << 8) ^ Crc16LutL[combo & 0x0F] ^ Crc16LutH[combo >> 4];
    return crc;

These extra 64 bytes (two lookup tables, 32 bytes each) allows us to use shift-less CRC code. And yes, there will one shift operation in there but XC8 compiler should actually optimize that one away in most cases.

Since we do have a bit more complicated data handling, implemented on a microcontroller using XC8 compiler, this code needs 141 words of program memory (was 80 for CRC-8) and uses 16 bytes of RAM (was 4 for CRC-8). All in all, pretty handleable by almost any PIC microcontroller.

Interestingly, here you cannot use trick of removing const in order to move usage more toward memory. While RAM usage for such case indeed increases to 76 bytes, program memory usage doesn’t go down at all.

As always, the example code is available for download.

Mystery of a High ADC Reading

Microchip makes reading ADC easy enough. Select a channel, start measurement, read a registed - doesn’t get much easier than that. However, in one project of mine I got a bit stumped. While most of my readings were spot on, one was stubornly too high.

As I went over PIC16F15386 documentation a bit I saw a following note: “It is recommended that … the user selects Vss channel before connecting to the channel with the lower voltage.” Whether due to a high channel count of some other pecularity of this PIC, capacitance was strong with this one. One of the rare times when reading instructions actually solved an issue.

Well, solved might have been too optimistic of a statement. While my low voltage ADC channel now read a correct value, my higher voltage inputs read slightly too low. Yes, I am aware I sound like a daddy bear looking at his bed but I too wanted my readings to be just right and for the darn Goldilocks to leave my home.

What I found working for me is doing the following: switch channel to GND, (dummy) read ADC, switch to the correct channel, do the first (proper) reading, do the second reading, average the two readings. In code it would be something like this:

ADCON0bits.CHS = 0b011011;    // select Vss channel
ADCON0bits.GO_nDONE = 1;      // start an A/D conversion cycle
while (ADCON0bits.GO_nDONE);  // wait for conversion to complete

ADCON0bits.CHS = channel;     // select channel

ADCON0bits.GO_nDONE = 1;      // start an A/D conversion cycle
while (ADCON0bits.GO_nDONE);  // wait for conversion to complete
uint16_t value1 = ADRES;      // read value

ADCON0bits.GO_nDONE = 1;      // start an A/D conversion cycle
while (ADCON0bits.GO_nDONE);  // wait for conversion to complete
uint16_t value2 = ADRES;      // read value

ADCON0bits.CHS = 0b011011;    // select Vss channel

return (value1 + value2 + 1) / 2;

Now, the obvious issue here is that three readings are done when only one is needed. Since we want to do averaging, there is nothing that can be done about reading it twice. However, if you are not pooling it all the time, you can pretty much skip the first (dummy) reading as switching to Vss channel at the end of routine does the trick.

While 16-bit operations are not the most pleasant thing 8-bit PIC can do, it’s actually not too bad as we’re talking about only 3 additions and one right shift (division by 2 gets optimized). Not good, but not terrible.

Even better, this works flawlessly with ADCs that have no issues with reading being too high or too low. This means I don’t need to worry if I use routine with a different PIC microcontroller.

All in all, it’s a cheap way to get a correct reading.

External Type-C Display Corruption on Windows 11


I’ve resisted Windows 11 for a while now but eventually I had to succumb and install it on one of my laptops. I figured Framework laptop would do fine. And indeed, all was well. Until I connected the external monitor.

At first corruption was so bad that I though the monitor surely was broken somehow but connecting it to other computers proved it working. I though maybe USB cable was malfunctioning but all other cables gave similar result.

Interestingly, every time I plugged the cable in I got a slightly different result. It ranged from just a few green pixels to almost correctly looking screen.


As a last resort, I decided to try messing with monitor’s refresh rate and it took me a while to find it in menus, all the way behind System > Display > Advanced Display. There I had two settings, asinine 59.93 Hz, and a nice round 60 Hz. Wouldn’t you know it, switching refresh rate to 60 Hz solved the issue!

However, I found that strange. Why? Because darn monitor worked at 59.94 Hz in Windows 10. Hm… Yes, it’s not a typo. Windows 10 thought 59.94 Hz is appropriate frequency while Windows 11 decided to go with 59.93 Hz. Why the difference between releases - who knows.

In any case, using 60 Hz solved that issue and now I can be annoyed by Windows 11 on both monitors.

PS: Yes, Ubuntu 22.04 on the same computer with the same external monitor works just fine.

PPS: Yes, 59.94 Hz is more correct frequency as it’s double the NTSC rate. Not sure from where Windows 11 got 59.93 Hz from.