Testing ZFS performance over Linux versions

ZFS Encryption Speed (Ubuntu 24.04)

Well, another Ubuntu version, another set of encryption performance tests. Here are the results for Ubuntu 24.04 on kernel 6.8 using ZFS 2.2.2. As I’m doing this for quite a few versions now, you can find older tests for Ubuntu 23.10, 23.04, 22.10, 22.04, 20.10, and 20.04.

Testing was done on a Framework laptop with an i5-1135G7 processor and 64GB of RAM. Once booted into installation media, I execute the script that creates a 42 GiB RAM disk that hosts all data for six 6 GiB files. Those files are then used in a RAIDZ2 configuration to create a ZFS pool. The process is repeated multiple times to test all different native ZFS encryption modes in addition to a LUKS-based test. This whole process is repeated again with AES disabled. As before, the test is a simple DD copy of 4 GB files; however, this time I included FIO tests for sequential and random read/write. One thing absent for the 24.04 round is a 2-core run. Relative performance between a 2-core and 4-core setup remained about the same over many years I’ve been doing this testing and thus it doesn’t really seem worth the effort.


Since I am testing on the same hardware as previously, I expected little to no difference in performance but I was pleasantly surprised as performance did significantly increase across the board by about 20%. Considering 23.10 decreased performance by 10%, it’s nice to see we have that performance recovered with a bit of improvement on top. If you need more disk performance out of your existing hardware, you should really consider upgrading to Ubuntu 24.04.

When it comes to the relative performance, nothing really changed. ZFS encryption is still more performant than LUKS on writes and LUKS exhibits slightly higher performance when it comes to reads. CCM modes are still atrocious but, if your processor doesn’t have AES support, might be useful.


As, going forward, I plan to use FIO instead of a simple dd copy, it’s as good time to analyze those numbers too. Unsurprisingly, the sequential performance numbers as compared to the simple DD copy are about the same. The only outlier seems to be read performance that drops a bit more than other readings. My best guess is that this is due to higher parallel IO demands FIO makes.


Since I am using FIO, I decided to add random I/O too. I expected results to be lower but numbers surprised me still. Write performance dropped to 50 MB/s without encryption. With encryption performance drops even further to 30 MB/s. Fortunately, real loads are not as unforgiving as FIO so you can expect much better performance in real-life.

In future, there are a few things I plan to change. First of all, I plan to switch onto using FIO instead of DD. While I will probably still collect DD data, it will just be there so one can compare it more easily to older tests and not as a main tool. Secondly, I plan to switch LUKS to 4K blocks and not bother measuring 512-byte sector size at all. Most of drives these days have 4K sectors and thus it makes sense that any proper LUKS installation would match that sector size. Making it default just makes sense. Performance-wise, they’re not a huge improvement but the do bring LUKS numbers closer to the native encryption.

PS: Raw data is available in Google Sheets.

ZFS Encryption Speed (Ubuntu 23.10)

There is a newer version of this post

As it became a custom, I retest ZFS native encryption performance with each new Ubuntu release. Here we have results for Ubuntu 23.10 on kernel 6.5 using ZFS 2.2.

Testing was done on a Framework laptop with an i5-1135G7 processor and 64GB of RAM. Once booted into installation media, I execute the script that creates 42 GiB RAM disk that hosts all data for six 6 GiB files. Those files are then used in RAIDZ2 configuration to create a ZFS pool. The process is repeated multiple times to test all different native ZFS encryption modes in addition to a LUKS-based test. This whole process is repeated again with AES disabled and later with a reduced core count.


Since I am testing on the same hardware as for 23.04 and using essentially the same script, I expected similar results but I was slightly surprised to see both raw read and write speed has been reduced by more than 10%. I am not sure if this is due to the new kernel, new BIOS, or some other combination of changes but the performance hit seems quite significant.

However, what I’m most interested in is not necessarily the actual speed but how it’s impacted by encryption. As compared to last year, it seems each GCM encryption mode has taken a few percent hit. We’re still talking about 2 GiB/s for both read and write so I’m not too worried.

Interestingly, while key size had more impact before, it seems that with 23.10 you can count on the same speed regardless if you select 128, 192, or 256 bit key.

If you don’t have AES support and you need CCM, the news is not that good as that code path has gotten significantly worse. Unless you’re stuck on an ancient CPU this is irrelevant I guess as you should never opt for CCM in the first place.

Using ZFS on top of LUKS has gotten slightly better when it comes to writes where it actually lagged the most behind the native ZFS. The improvement is significant but we’re still talking about 30% lower speeds. On read size, there are no changes and it’s the only area where LUKS wins over the native ZFS encryption.

For this release, I also experimentally tried to get power usage for each test run. I did the same by disconnecting the battery and measuring the power the laptop was drawing. This is not the most precise way of measuring it so I might be off but it looked as ZFS encryption was as efficient as it gets when it comes to the power usage.

To summarize, the native ZFS encryption is still live and kicking in Ubuntu 23.10 and might even provide some power usage advantages as compared to LUKS.

PS: You can find older tests for Ubuntu 23.04, 22.10, 22.04, 20.10, and 20.04.

Native ZFS Encryption Speed (Ubuntu 23.04)

There is a newer version of this post

Well, Ubuntu 23.04 is here and it’s time for the new round of ZFS encryption testing. New version, minor ZFS updates, and slightly confusing numbers at some points.

First, Ubuntu 23.04 brings us to ZFS 2.1.9 on kernel 6.2. It’s a minot change on ZFS version (up from 2.1.5 in Ubuntu 22.10) but kernel bump is more than what we had in a while (was kernel 5.19).

Good news is that almost nothing has changed as compared to 22.10. Numbers are close enough to what they were before that they might be a statistical error when it comes to either AES-GCM or AES-XTS (on LUKS). If that’s what you’re using (and you should), you can stop here.


However, if you’re using AES-CCM, things are a bit confusing, at least on my test system. For writes, all is good. But when it comes to reads, gremlins seem to be hiding somewhere in the background.

Every few reads speed would simply start dropping. After a few slower measurements, it would come back where it was. I repeated it multiple times and it was always reads that started dropping while writes would stay stable.

While that might not be reason not to upgrade if you’re using AES-CCM, you might want to perform a few tests of your own. Mind you, you should be switching to AES-GCM anyhow.

As always, raw data I gathered during my tests is available.

Native ZFS Encryption Speed (Ubuntu 22.10)

There is a newer version of this post.


I guess it’s that time of year when I do ZFS encryption testing on the latest Ubuntu. Is ZFS speed better, worse, or the same?

Like the last time, I did testing on Framework laptop with i5-1135G7 processor and 64GB of RAM. The only change is that I am writing a bit more data during the test this time. Regardless, this is still mostly an exercise in relative numbers. Overall, the procedure is still basically the same as before.

With all that out of way, you can probably just look at the 22.04 figures and be done. While there are some minor differences between 22.10 and 22.04, there is nothing big enough to change any recommendation here. Even ZFS version reflects this as we see only a tiny bump from zfs-2.1.2-1ubuntu2 to zfs-2.1.5-1ubuntu2.

ZFS GCM is still the fastest when it comes to writing and it wins over LUKS by a wide margin. It was a surprise when I saw it with 22.04 and it’s a surprise still. The surprise is not that ZFS is fast but why the heck is LUKS so slow. When it comes to reading speed, LUKS is still slightly faster but not by a wide margin.

With everything else the same, I would say ZFS GCM is a clear winner here with LUKS coming close second if you don’t mind slower write speed. I would expect both to be indistinguishable when it comes to real-world scenarios most of the time.

Using CCM encryption doesn’t make much sense at all. While encryption speed seems to benefit from disabling AES (part of which I suspect to be an artefact of my test environment), it’s just a smidgen faster than GCM. Considering that any upgrade in future is going to bring AES instruction set, I would say GCM is the way forward.

Of course, the elephant in the room is the fact the native ZFS encryption doesn’t actually cover all metadata. The only alternative that can help you with that is running ZFS on top of LUKS encryption. I honestly go back and forth between two with current preference being toward LUKS on laptop and the native ZFS encryption on servers where encrypted send/receive is a killer feature.

You can take a peek at the raw data and draw your own conclusions. As always, just keep in mind that these are just limited synthetic tests intended just to give you ballpark figure. Your mileage may vary.

Testing Native ZFS Encryption Speed (Ubuntu 22.04)

[2022-10-30: There is a newer version of this post]


With the new Ubuntu LTS release, it came time to repeat my ZFS encryption testing. Is ZFS speed better, worse, or the same?

I won’t go into the test procedure much since I explained it back when I did it the first time. Outside of really minor differences in the exact disk size, procedure didn’t change. What did change is that I am not doing it on virtual machine anymore.

These tests I did on Framework laptop with i5-1135G7 processor and 32GB of RAM. It’s a bit more consistent setup than the virtual machine I used before. Due to this change, numbers are not really comparable to ones from previous tests but that should be fine - our main interest is in the relative numbers.

First of all, we can see that CCM encryption is not worth a dime if you have any AES-capable processor. Difference between CCM and any other encryption I tested is huge with CCM being 5-6 times slower. Only once I turned off the AES support in BIOS does its inclusion make even a minimal sense as this actually improves its performance. And no, it doesn’t suck less - it’s just that all other encryption methods suck more.

Assuming our machine has a processor made in the last 5 or so years, the native ZFS GCM encryption becomes the clear winner. Yes, 128-bit variant is a bit faster than 256-bit one (as expected) but difference is small enough that it probably wont matter. What will matter is that any GCM wins over LUKS. Yes, reads are slightly faster using standard XTS LUKS but writes are clearly favoring the native ZFS encryption.

Unless you really need the ultimate cryptographic opacity a LUKS encryption brings, a native ZFS encryption using GCM is still a way to go. And yes, even though GCM modes are performant, we still lose about 10-15% in writes and about 30% on reads when compared to no encryption at all. Mind you, as with all synthetic tests giving you the worst figures, the real performance loss is much lower.

Make what you want of it, but I’ll keep encrypting my drives. They’re plenty fast.

PS: You can take a peek at the raw data if you’re so inclined.

Testing Native ZFS Encryption Speed (20.10)

[2020-11-02: There is a newer version of this post]


Back in the days of Ubuntu 20.04, I did some ZFS native encryption testing. Results were not promising to say the least but they were done using ZFS 0.8.3 on Ubuntu 20.04. There was a hope that Ubuntu 20.10 bringing 0.8.4 would have a lot of performance improvements. So I repeated my testing.

First I tested CCM and saw that results were 10-15% lower than in 20.04. However, this was probably not due to ZFS changes as both Luks and no-encryption numbers dropped too. As my testing was done on a virtual machine, it might not be anything related to Ubuntu at all. For all practical purposes, you can view those results as unchanged.

However, when I tested GCM encryption speed, I had to repeat test multiple times because I couldn’t believe the results I was seeing. ZFS native encryption using GCM was only about 25% slower than no encryption at all and handily beating Luks numbers. Compared to the last year’s times, GCM encryption got a fivefold improvement. That’s what I call optimization.

Last year I suggested going with native ZFS encryption only when you are really interested in ZFS having direct physical access to drives or if you were interested in encrypted send/receive. For performance critical scenarios, Luks was the way to go.

Now I can honestly recommend going with the native ZFS encryption (provided you use GCM). It’s as fast as Luks, allows ZFS to handle physical drives directly, and simplifies the setup. The only scenario where Luks still matters is if you want to completely hide your disk content as native encryption does leak some metadata (e.g., dataset properties). And no, you don’t need to upgrade to 20.10 for the speed as some performance improvements have been backported to 20.04 too.

I have migrated my own main file server to ZFS native encryption some time ago mostly to give ZFS direct disk access and without much care for array speed. Now there is no reason not to use it on desktop either.

PS: You can take a peek at the raw data if you’re so inclined.

PPS: Test procedure is in the previous post so I didn’t bother repeating it here.

Testing Native ZFS Encryption Speed

[2020-11-02: There is a newer version of this post]

As I wrote about installing ZFS with the native encryption on the Ubuntu 20.04, it got me thinking… Should I abandon my LUKS-setup and switch? Well, I guess some performance testing was in order.

For this purpose I decided to go with the Ubuntu Server (to minimize impact desktop environment might have) inside of the 2 CPU Virtual Machine with 24 GB of RAM. Two CPUs should be enough to show any multithreading performance difference while 24 GB of RAM is there to give home to our ZFS disks. I didn’t want to depend on disk speed and variation it gives. For the testing purpose I only care about the relative speed difference and using the RAM instead of the real disks would give more repeatable results.

For OS I used Ubuntu Server with ZFS packages, carved a chunk of memory for RAM disks, and limited ZFS ARC to 1G.

sudo -i << EOF
    apt update
    apt dist-upgrade -y
    apt install -y zfsutils-linux
    grep "/ramdisk" /etc/fstab || echo "tmpfs  /ramdisk  tmpfs  rw,size=20G  0  0" \
        | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
    grep "zfs_arc_max" /etc/modprobe.d/zfs.conf || echo "options zfs zfs_arc_max=1073741824" \
        | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/zfs.conf

With the system in pristine state, I created data used for testing (random 2 GiB).

dd if=/dev/urandom of=/ramdisk/data.bin bs=1M count=2048

Data disks are just bunch of zeros (3 GB each) and the (RAID-Z2) ZFS pool has the usual stuff but with compression turned off and sync set to always in order to minimize their impact on the results.

for I in {1..6}; do dd if=/dev/zero of=/ramdisk/disk$I.bin bs=1MB count=3000; done
echo "12345678" | zpool create -o ashift=12 -O normalization=formD \
    -O acltype=posixacl -O xattr=sa -O dnodesize=auto -O atime=off \
    -O encryption=^^aes-256-gcm^^ -O keylocation=prompt -O keyformat=passphrase \
    -O compression=off -O sync=always -O mountpoint=/zfs TestPool raidz2 \
    /ramdisk/disk1.bin /ramdisk/disk2.bin /ramdisk/disk3.bin \
    /ramdisk/disk4.bin /ramdisk/disk5.bin /ramdisk/disk6.bin

To get write speed, I simply copied the data file multiple times and took the time reported by dd. To get a single figure, I removed the highest and the lowest value averaging the rest.

sudo -i << EOF
    sudo dd if=/ramdisk/data.bin of=/zfs/data1.bin bs=1M
    sudo dd if=/ramdisk/data.bin of=/zfs/data2.bin bs=1M
    sudo dd if=/ramdisk/data.bin of=/zfs/data3.bin bs=1M
    sudo dd if=/ramdisk/data.bin of=/zfs/data4.bin bs=1M
    sudo dd if=/ramdisk/data.bin of=/zfs/data5.bin bs=1M

For reads I took the file that was written and dumped it to /dev/null. Averaging procedure was the same as for writes.

sudo -i << EOF
    sudo dd if=/zfs/data1.bin of=/dev/null bs=1M
    sudo dd if=/zfs/data2.bin of=/dev/null bs=1M
    sudo dd if=/zfs/data3.bin of=/dev/null bs=1M
    sudo dd if=/zfs/data4.bin of=/dev/null bs=1M
    sudo dd if=/zfs/data5.bin of=/dev/null bs=1M


With all that completed, I had my results.

I was quite surprised how close a different bit sizes were in the performance. If your processor supports AES instruction set, there is no reason not to go with 256 bits. Only when you have an older processor without the encryption support does the 128-bit crypto make sense. There was a 15% difference when it comes to the read speeds in the favor of the GCM mode so I would probably go with that as my cipher of choice.

However, once I added measurements without the encryption and for the LUKS-based crypto I was shocked. I expected thing to go faster without the encryption but I didn’t expect such a huge difference. Also surprising was seeing the LUKS encryption to have triple the performance of the native one.


Now, this test is not completely fair. In the real life, with a more powerful machine, and on the proper disks you won’t see such a huge difference. The sync=always setting is a performance killer and results in more encryption calls than you would normally see. However, you will still see some difference and good old LUKS seems like the winner here. It’s faster out of box, it will use less CPU, and it will encrypt all the data (not leaving metadata in the plain as ZFS does).

I will also admit that comparison leans toward apples-to-oranges kind. Reason to use ZFS’ native encryption is not due to its performance but due to the extra benefits it brings. Part of those extra cycles go into the authentication of each written block using a strong MAC. Leaving metadata unencrypted does leak a bit of (meta)data but it also enables send/receive without either side even being decrypted - just ideal for a backup box in the untrusted environment. You can backup the data without ever needing to enter password on the remote side. Lastly let’s not forget allowing ZFS direct access to the physical drives allows it to shine when it comes to the fault detection and handling of the same. You will not get anything similar if you are interfacing over the virtual device.

Personally, I will continue using the LUKS-based full disk encryption for my desktop machines. It’s just much faster. And I probably won’t touch my servers for now either. But I have a feeling that really soon I might give native ZFS encryption a spin.

[2020-11-01: Newer updates of 0.8.3 (0.8.3-1ubuntu12.4) have greatly improved GCM speed. With those optimizations GCM mode is now faster than Luks. For more details check 20.10 post.]

PS: You can take a peek at the raw data if you’re so inclined.