Fountain pen paper

Here are some of my favorite papers I use with fountain pens.

Thumbnail imageApica CD-10 (A6)

Probably the cheapest option for something that is fountain pen friendly. While it does come in bigger sizes, I've found this one nicely pocketable.

Thumbnail imageRhodia N°16 Staplebound Pad (A5)

Nice paper and practical format. While it exists in many rulings, I prefer the 7mm lined one with a nice red margin. It is my choice for all business meetings and, when combined with Maruman A5 PU holder (HN188UA-05), it looks rather professional. As every page is perforated, I find it works great with data I need for limited duration only.

Thumbnail imageMaruman Mnemosyne N195 (A5)

I find this notebook the most practical for note taking and segmenting thoughts due to slightly thicker lines separating pages in thirds and a nice header. It not only allows you to tear wire bound page like a savage but to also tear it nicely as every page is perforated. Only downside I've found is that its wire bound style doesn't suit me. There is a style that could replace Rhodia completely but its availability is limited. If I could have this ruling with Rhodia format, I would be one happy man.

Thumbnail imageHP Printer Paper 90g (Letter)

If you like to write on printer paper (e.g., making notes), quite soon you will be disappointing with fountain pen on "standard" printer paper. This paper is cheap enough to be used for general purpose printing but good enough to handle fountain pen well.

Thumbnail imageHobonichi Cousin (A5)

This organizer you will either love or hate - quite often during the same day. I personally love its A5 size and fountain pen friendly paper. I am always surprised how paper as thin as that can handle ink so well. I never use any section other than daily planner so I essentially pay for 20% I am never going to use. Furthermore I find motivation sayings at the bottom annoying waste of space. All said, it is still probably the best thing out there.

Images courtesy of Goulet Pens and Amazon.