No longer supported. It might or might not work for your use case.


RetroHat is a board allowing for connection of multiple switches/buttons to Raspberry Pi using its GPIOs. Basic use case is allowing for retro-arcade button connections but you can actually connect any button to it and it will convert it to a Raspberry Pi key.

Basic configuration allows 2 button joysticks and 16 buttons total (that is 1 joystick and 8 buttons for each of two players).

Features include:

  • Total of 24 NO switch physical buttons (2 joystick and 16 buttons)
  • Automatic detection via HAT specification
  • Compatible with RetroPie (or anything else that uses keyboard)
  • Direct connection for switch LEDs
  • Fused (250 mA) 5 V and 3.3 V outputs
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