Ubuntu 19.10 Fails to Install Deb File


As I upgraded to Ubuntu 19.10, I went to install a few of my Linux applications and immediately got Failed to install file: not supported error. Debian packages that worked for me with 19.04 were suddenly causing the issue.

I traced this to my control file:

Package:        Bimil
Version:        MAJOR.MINOR
Architecture:   all
Maintainer:     Josip Medved <jmedved@jmedved.com>
Homepage:       https://www.medo64.com/bimil/
Description:    Password manager.
                A small password manager compatible with Password Safe file format.
Section:        misc
Priority:       optional
Depends:        mono-complete (>=4.2), gnupg2

While this worked fine for Ubuntu 19.04, in Ubuntu 19.10, one has to have Build-Depends value too:

Package:        Bimil
Version:        MAJOR.MINOR
Architecture:   all
Maintainer:     Josip Medved <jmedved@jmedved.com>
Homepage:       https://www.medo64.com/bimil/
Description:    Password manager.
                A small password manager compatible with Password Safe file format.
Section:        misc
Priority:       optional
Depends:        mono-complete (>=4.2), gnupg2
^^Build-Depends:  mono-complete (>=4.2)^^

Once I rebuilt package with it, my .deb files worked once again.